U8D1-64 – Application Of T Tests – Identify, Indicate & Describe ..NEED TO KNOW AND HAVE SPSS. See Details Below. image1.png IBM SPSS Step-by-Step Guide: t Tests

U8D1-64 – Application Of T Tests – Identify, Indicate & Describe ..NEED TO KNOW AND HAVE SPSS. See Details Below.



IBM SPSS Step-by-Step Guide: t Tests

Note: This guide is an example of creating t test output in SPSS with the grades.sav file. The variables shown in this guide do not correspond with the actual variables assigned in Unit 8 Assignment 1. Carefully follow the Unit 8 Assignment 1 instructions for a list of assigned variables. Screen shots were created with SPSS 21.0.


Assumptions of t Tests

To complete Section 2 of the DAA for Unit 8 Assignment 1, you will generate SPSS output for a histogram, descriptive statistics, and the Shapiro-Wilk test. (Levene test output will appear in Section 4 of the DAA). Refer to the Unit 8 assignment instructions for a list of assigned variables. The example variables lowup and final are shown below.


Step 1. Open grades.sav in SPSS.




Step 2. Generate SPSS output for the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality. (Refer to previous step-by-step guides for generating histogram output and descriptives output for the Unit 8 assignment variables.)


  • On the Analyze menu, point to Descriptive Statistics and click Explore…




  • In the Explore dialog box, move the assigned Unit 8 variables into the Dependent List box. The final variable is used as an example below.




  • Click the Plots… button.


  • In the Explore: Plots dialog box, select the Normality plots with tests option.


  • Click Continue and then OK.




Step 3. Copy the Tests of Normality table and paste it into Section 2 of the DAA Template. Interpret the output.




Note: The Levene test is also generated as part of the SPSS t-test output for Section 4 (discussed next). You do not have to provide the Levene test output twice. You can report and interpret it in Section 2 and then provide the actual output in Section 4.




Reporting of t Tests

DAA Section 4 involves generating the t-test output and interpreting it. The example variables of lowup (lower division = 1; upper division = 2) and final are shown below.


Step 1. Generate SPSS output for the t test.


  • On the Analyze menu, point to Compare Means and click Independent-Samples T Test…




Step 2. In the Independent-Samples T Test dialog box:


  • First, move the Unit 8 Assignment 1 dependent variable into the Test Variable(s) box.


  • Second, move the Unit 8 assignment variable into the Grouping Variable box. Notice the (? ?) after the variable. The values of the independent variable are assigned in the next step.




  • Third, click the Define Groups… button.


  • Fourth, in the Define Groups dialog box, assign the corresponding values: Group 1 = 1, Group 2 = 2.


  • Fifth, click Continue and then OK.




Step 3. Copy the output for the independent samples test and paste it into Section 4 of the DAA Template. Then interpret it as described in the Unit 8 assignment instructions.





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