Training and Development Program

Training and Development Program

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Discipline Business

Assignment type : Coursework


Training and Development Program


The course’s final project is the development of a complete training program, using the ADDIE model. Your final project submission should include work you have completed in study activities and assignments from Units 4–8, with modifications based on feedback and appropriate linkages, to make one comprehensive training program. Your finalized training program should be clear, comprehensive, and precise enough for another trainer to present.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

Assess an organization’s strategic plan for training.

Demonstrate effective training program design, development, and implementation.

Demonstrate effective training program measurement and evaluation.

Assess the impact of technology on an organization’s training strategy.

Assignment Instructions

Link all of the following training program project components together, incorporating peer feedback you have received in relevant course discussions and the instructor feedback you have received on your unit assignments.

Unit 4: Designing a Training Program.

Unit 5: Project – Recommending a Training Method (study activity).

Unit 6: Developing a Training Lesson Plan.

Unit 7: Developing a Training Evaluation Plan.

Unit 8: Project – Creating a Distance Learning Module (study activity).

Your final project assignment should incorporate all of the following:

A training needs analysis for your selected training topic.

Training objectives for your training activities.

An analysis of training methods for each learning objective.

An analysis of the effectiveness of each training method on a trainee’s motivation to learn.

An illustration of how practice and feedback are incorporated to measure the transfer of learning.

A timeline for your training program.

A summary of how a distance learning module fits into the overall training program.

Assignment Requirements

Written communication: Write in a professional style with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Resources: Include at least 1 peer-reviewed resource that is not from ATD or SHRM.

APA formatting: Use APA (6th edition) style and formatting to present your references and citations.

Length of paper: 14–16 typed, double-spaced pages.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Describe two possible training methods for each of your learning objectives, considering the pros and cons for each.

Articulate the effectiveness of each training method on a trainee’s motivation to learn.

From the two possible training methods you have described for each learning objective, choose the one you think would be most effective for each objective. Explain why you recommend the training method you chose for each.

From the most effective training methods you have identified, select the one training method you would recommend using for your training program overall, and explain your recommendation.

Project – Creating a Distance Learning Module

Your studies for this unit introduce the use of distance learning modules. A distance learning module can be used in any of the following ways:

Before a group training, to develop the group’s basic skills or knowledge.

During the training program, to supplement classroom training.

After the training program, to follow up.

To be effective, a distance learning module must contain:




Based on your studies for this unit, envision how you would use a distance learning module in your training program. Write a summary of your module that addresses the following:

Describe the information that trainees will receive in your distance learning module.

How will the trainees practice the information they receive?

How will the trainees get feedback on their performance?

Articulate how a distance learning module fits into your overall training program, addressing each stage (before, during, and after the training).

You will incorporate this summary into your final course project, submitted in Unit 10.

Format APA

Academic Level: Undergraduate/Bachelor

Volume of 14 pages (3850 words)

Type of service: Custom writing

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