Paper format | Number of pages | Number of slides | Academic level | Type of work | Type of paper | Sources needed | Sources |
MLA | 2 | 0 | Undergraduate | Writing from scratch | Research paper | Not needed | 0 |
Paper details
Topical paper
OBJECTIVE WRITE A THESIS PAPER TO SUPPORT YOUR POSITION ON THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Should municipalities be required to use GAAP-like accounting for pensions and other post-retirement benefits? 2. What role has the shift from defined benefit to defined contribution plans played on the shift in the U.S. economy? Please try not to separate the questions and respond as a combined, coordinated paper. READ THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS TO DEVELOP YOUR PAPER: A. Access the position paper at B. Review the GASB Statement #68 summary at: INSTRUCTIONS FORMAT: Length: 2-3 typed pages using an 11 Point font. Margins: Please use 1 inch margins only and 1.5 line spacing for your paper. Title Page: Include your name, date, course name and section. • Papers which are too brief will be evaluated accordingly. Tables or charts should not be used as page fillers. RESOURCE LIST / FOOTNOTES: You must reference any ideas taken from the sources used. Attribution in the form of Footnotes or parenthetical reference is required. Include a separate page for Bibliography or Works Cited. You must use at least FOUR additional sources (beyond the assigned readings and textbook). • DUE DATE: Papers are to be submitted to the professor via Blackboard on or before: • LATE PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Your grade is based on four criteria: • Research Content (2): You must use sources in addition to those assigned to support your conclusions. • Critical Thinking (3): The ability to “connect the dots” and “think outside the box” regarding the implications of the proposed changes. • Presentation (2): Use attribution tools (footnotes, etc.). You may use footnotes (superscripts) or parenthetical references. Of course, footnotes facilitate reading of your submission and provide a “cleaner” presentation. • Writing Style (3): Grammatical context, spelling, punctuation, etc.