sustainability opportunities in a global supply chain, case to explain best practices
Description Details
Discipline Marketing
Assignment type : Term paper
a)) Structure of assignment
There is one coursework to be submitted for this component..
The understanding of this assignment is tha t an applied critical review of contemporary and in future magnifying change in an international supply chain context that demonstrates the importance of sustainability..
b)) Details of the assessment task
You are asked to analyse a contemporary and in future magnifying change in an international supply chain context that demonstrates the importance of sustainability..
Select a case of sustainability opportunities in a global supply chain,, and use that case to explain bes t practices and critical aspects of either
- sourcing strategy or
- supplier selection..
The task requires you to apply the evidence (ddata and theory implications)) to making infor med judgements about the contemporary development s of the industry and market dynamics in question.. Students should acknowledge theory,, secondary data and qualitative case evidence alike..
The notion of an applied literature review here is that you use journal articles,, secondary data and complementary trade journals and company repo rts for the purposes of an industry – level analysis..
Explicitly choose one specific country and one specific industry to demonstrate your arguments..
The recommended structure of your paper is as follows::
1.. Case outline / introduction (aabout 3 00 words))
Use your own words in this section.. Explain why the chosen challenge can be considered as significant.. Then explain why you have chosen the country and industry for its demonstration and discussion..
2.. Aca demic literature review (aabout 1,, 2 00 words))
You should critically evaluate the key authors and their main arguments.. You are expected to cite a minimum of 1 0 academic journal articles as part of this assessment..
Where a topic is too current and academic articles are still rare,, students can also refer t o high quality newspaper reports and the output of reputable consultants,, NGOs and government bodies.. Blogs and corporate webpages shall only be used in exceptional cases to be justified..
3.. Country case (aabout 5 00 words))
You are asked to apply the literature revie w and reflections to a country of your choice.. Demonstrate how the country does influence or drive the selected best practices..
Provide reasoning and factual evidence..
4.. Industry case (aabout 5 00 words))
You are asked to apply the literature review and reflections to a multinational company for a chosen industry..
Highlight how the company is respond ing to the global market dynamics,, using best practices.. Provide reasoning and factual evidence..
5.. Discussion and conclusion (aabout 5 00 words))
Summarise your findings about the future trends.. This should logically follow from the evidence provided in previous sections.. Provide few most critical recommendations for business managers..
The above sums up to the maximum 3,000 words..
Word counts indicate the weight of the different sections and need not to necessarily be followed by letter..
Appendices that synthesise relevant data for your arguments are welcome ; they will not add to your word count . Textual appendices should be avoided..
c)) Assessment criteria
Marking criteria
d)) Additional formative,, unmarked assessment
This coursework’s weight upon the overall module is 100%%.. There are no other than the assessment components specified in this assessment guide..
There is no formative assessment and students are rather asked to discuss their drafts in the provided assessment clinic ( s ) .
e)) Further important assessment task notes
General remarks::
No Abstract – Please note that an abstract shall not be added..
Embed all own figures in text (nnot in an appendix)) and embed own tables as well as tables essential for understanding in to the text sections as well (nnot in appendices ).. Use a maximum of three figures and five tables..
Appendices – Extensive appendices should be avoided . Pure raw data tables do not add to the word count and may be appropriate to document scattered data sources..
The references list section is excluded from word count..
Remarks regarding the choice of topic::
P lease make sure that there is data publicly available or well documented in press or trad e publications.. Do not choose case examples where information is not accessible.. The choice of the material and case is up to you and marking cannot be accommodating for a lack of insight due to a poor choice of material .
Do not choose a case that you have found fully written up online or in a book.. You must not rewrite a n already published case study..
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Type of service: Custom writing