Social Media Project

Social Media Project

Format MLA

Volume of 3 pages (825 words)
Assignment type : Research Paper

Title of your paper

Choose one of these topics. Do not stray from these topics. Do not create your own topic.
• How Social Media Has Changed the Political Landscape
• The Importance of Facts in Social Media
• How Social Media Has Changed a Non-Digital Platform to a Digital Platform
• How Social Media has given us a Way to Preserve Our Own Histories and/or Distort our Histories

You will CITE ALL YOUR SOURCES. But you will not rely JUST on sources to write this narrative. It is your opinion or your story or your thoughts.
However, with each piece of writing, there MUST be a THESIS statement. What is a thesis statement?
• It is the POINT you are trying to make or to argue.
• Your thesis must be evident but not stated. Do not say MY PAPER IS ABOUT, or MY THESIS I WILL ARGUE IS, etc.
Your paper should be at least three FULL pages long and the WORKS CITED should begin at least on page four. You can use MLA or APA format. Remember these formats are both twofold. You cite first in-text, and then the full citation should be formatted and ALPHABETIZED on the Works Cited page. If your citations are not correct, you will be penalized. If you do not have in-text citations and a Reference page, your grade will be severely lowered.
Your last name and page number should be at the top of each page, even the first page.

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