Significant Contributions to Public Health – Part II

Significant Contributions to Public Health – Part II

Format APA

Volume of 6 pages (1650 words)
Assignment type : Term paper


There are countless historical figures that has made significant contributions to healthcare as a whole. The individual I chose to select for this assignment is Margaret Higgins Sanger. Everyone faces obstacles in their lives that ultimately make them who they are. In this case, Margaret Higgins Sanger’s contributions to healthcare, is what we will be discussing in this assignment.
Margaret Higgins Sanger was born in Corning, New York September 14, 1879. Margaret’s family faced some dyer hardships along the way. Margaret was one of 11 children that her mother had. With her mother passing at an early age (at 40 or 50 years old), Margaret felt that because her mother did carry 11 children to term not including the unknown number of miscarriages she had, that is what may have ultimately caused her mother’s untimely death. Margaret and her family faced significant hardships. Her father was an Irish stonemason. She felt that instead of working to support his family, he would rather get drunk. In the face of adversity, and seeking a better life for herself, Margaret chose to further her education at Claverack College and Hudson River Institute in 1896. Four years later she studied nursing at White Plains Hospital. Margaret later met and married William Sanger in 1902.
Margaret faced a variety of situations that led to her contributions to healthcare. Socioeconomically, she and her husband was In a good position. Her husband being an architect, built their home. While she was pregnant with she and her husband’s first child, she’d been informed by her doctor that she had tuberculosis and was admitted to a tuberculosis hospital. Even after giving birth, she was still ill with tuberculosis but still recovered from it without the help of hospital. Recovered from her own illness, Margaret still pushed through with her nursing career. She was exposed to multiple situations and organizations. She ultimately joined the Socialist Party. Margaret was afforded the opportunity by the Socialist Party, to speaker, in their absence of someone that was originally scheduled. She took full advantage of the opportunity and spoke on health and hygiene, instead of original designated topic of labor. This was just the beginning of many endeavors that made Margaret who she was. The next opportunity she had to speak. The crowd grew from 10 women of the Socialist Party, to 75. The environment that Margaret was in, being around the Socialist Party, brought to her attention that they were interested in sex and reproduction. Ultimately this brought about Margaret publishing a series of articles in 1912 titled “What Every Mother Should Know” in the New York Call.
Margaret made substantial contributions to health care. At an early age, she being exposed to the health issues that her mother faced as a result of having more than 11 pregnancies, helped in her realization of how important the reproductive system of a woman is. Her own personal issues with her pregnancy fueled her motivation as well. Margaret’s actions succeeded in educating people about sex health and the reproductive system. Not to mention, making people aware of contraception and birth control as well.
The fruits of Margaret Higgins Sanger’s labor became completely apparent when the United States Supreme Court made birth control legal at both the federal and state levels, in June 1965. This allowed everyone to protect themselves sexually. Women were able to control whether or not they have children.

Significant Contributions to Public Health – Part II

This is a continuation of your final project, which you started in Week 3. This last piece involves an analysis of how your individual’s contribution from the past continues to contribute to today’s public health system and how it might guide future work within the industry. As you recall, in week 3, you researched an individual and their contribution to community and public health. To begin, you need to review the feedback given to you from Week 3. Then, make the necessary revisions to Part I of this project. Then, you will be adding the second half to your project.
Follow this outline to help formulate your paper or presentation:
ACTION: Make sure you review all the feedback from your Week 3 (Part I) assignment and apply any necessary revisions. Your week 3 assignment should have included each of the following elements:
• GRADED ELEMENT : Describe your selected person’s experience
• GRADED ELEMENT : Analyze the climate of the time period in terms of political, socioeconomic, environmental and technological context in which this person worked.
• GRADED ELEMENT : Examine the personal beliefs of your person that prompted this work.
• GRADED ELEMENT : Examine how this individual overcame any adversities to succeed in his/her task.
• GRADED ELEMENT : Describe the final outcome of this individual’s contribution to community and/or public health.
• GRADED ELEMENT : Explain what his/her contribution did for overall community and/or public health at the time.
• GRADED ELEMENT : Explain why this contribution was so important at that particular point in history.
ACTION: Think about the individual’s contribution to community/public health
• GRADED ELEMENT : Analyze the impact of your individual’s contribution on today’s public health system.
o HELP: You are asking “what happened as a result of this contribution at the national and community level?” For example, some elements you could address include:
 did it change attitudes
 did it change protocols and policies
 did behavior change result
 did it add/eliminate laws
• GRADED ELEMENT : Analyze how this contribution is still relevant today
o HELP: Was this contribution only applicable at the time it occurred, or is it still applied today? Why or why not? Explain your response
• GRADED ELEMENT : Examine how this contribution could support or be expanded for future community and public health benefits
o HELP: Using solid critical thinking, look at the historical value of the contribution and examine how it could be used for the future (is it applicable to another health issue, can it lead to more policy change, could it promote advocacy work or public health laws, etc.)
You have a choice of which format you wish to present your findings:

Format 1: Written Paper
• Must be at least 6 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Students name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
• Must use at least eight scholarly sources (one of those may be the course text).
• Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
• Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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