the desired sales growth over the next five years.
Guidelines for Submission: Your Excel spreadsheet must be submitted with the following naming convention: spreadsheet_firstinitiallastname.xlsx.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Proficient (100%)
Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%)
Spreadsheet: Current Sales
Displays current sales by category and total
Displays current sales but does not display by category and/or total, or information is otherwise incomplete
Does not display current sales by category and total
Spreadsheet: Projected Sales
Displays projected sales by category and total
Displays projected sales but does not display by category and/or total, or information is otherwise incomplete
Does not display projected sales by category and total
Spreadsheet: Font and Size
Selects a consistent and standard font and font size
Selects a consistent font and font size, but font and/or font size distract from the message or are not appropriate for a business audience
Does not select a consistent font and font size
Spreadsheet: Format
Formats the spreadsheet with row and column spacing, row and column alignments, and cell formatting
Formats the spreadsheet but does not address all components, or formatting changes distract from the message or are not appropriate for a business audience
Does not format the spreadsheet
Spreadsheet: Labels
Applies labels that identify the values contained in each row and column
Applies labels, but they do not accurately identify the values, or label formatting distracts from the message
Does not apply labels
Spreadsheet: Formulas
Applies formulas to calculate all totals
Applies formulas to calculate totals, but not all calculations are addressed with formulas, or formulas contain inaccuracies
Does not apply formulas
Spreadsheet: Current Year
Embeds a bar chart that accurately displays the total sales for the current year
Embeds a bar chart that displays the total sales for the current year, but chart contains inaccuracies, or formatting and style choices distract from the message
Does not embed a bar chart that displays the total sales for the current year
Spreadsheet: Next Five Years
Embeds a bar chart that accurately displays the projected sales for the next five years
Embeds a bar chart that displays the projected sales for the next five years, but chart contains inaccuracies, or formatting and style choices distract from the message
Does not embed a bar chart that displays the projected sales for the next five years
Spreadsheet: Sales Growth
Embeds a line graph that accurately displays the desired sales growth over the next five years
Embeds a line graph that displays the desired sales growth over the next five years, but graph contains inaccuracies, or formatting and style choices distract from the message
Does not embed a line graph that accurately displays the desired sales growth over the next five years
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