Paper format | Number of pages | Number of slides | Academic level | Type of work | Type of paper | Sources needed | Sources |
APA | 15 | 0 | Undergraduate | Writing from scratch | Literature review | Not needed | 5 |
Paper details
The roles of mood and emotions in the work place. (industrial organizational psychology).
You should choose a topic within I/O psychology or one closely related to the field and review the existing literature. Your paper may also include suggestions for future research, areas that need to be addressed (shortcomings of existing literature), and implications for this literature to a particular area/topic. You may also consider the existing literature regarding a topic with particular attention to particular population. For instance, perhaps you are interested in counterproductive work behavior, but you are concerned that most of the research has been conducted in Western cultures. You might review the literature on this topic, discuss the relevance of Western vs. Eastern cultures, and explain the limitations of only examining this topic within Western cultures. The important component of this project is choosing a topic that is of interest to you and will benefit from being reviewed – what new information or steps can be taken after the literature is reviewed? Articles published in American Psychologist often take the form of “literature reviews” and discuss implications and/or next steps – you may find examining some of these articles helpful for developing your paper.