REPRESENTATIONS OF THE HOLOCAUST (Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies)

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REPRESENTATIONS OF THE HOLOCAUST (Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies)

There are 3 topics to choose from (choose only 1 out of the 3).  “This way for the Gas, Ladies and gentlemen” 1. Discuss the roles of different kind of texts and representations in informing, teaching about and describing prisoners’ experiences in Auschwitz. Consider the relevance of a survivor account and the role of scholarly texts. How do these different types of texts utilize both rhetorical devices and facts? 2. Concentration camp as a borderland between the everyday and the extreme: using selected examples from film and/or literature, reflect on representations of experiences of Auschwitz. 3. An English poet and critic, Al Alvarez, described Borowski’s prose as “a kind of moral silence, like the pause which follows a scream”. Reflect on this statement, referring to Borowski’s writings and other representations of Auschwitz. 2,500 words not including bibliography – 12 point standard academic font:Times New Roman – double-spaced text – single-spaced footnotes and bibliography – entire text justified (Ctrl+J) – the first word of every paragraph should be indented – pages should be numbered – use margins on all sides of the text Suggested structure for your final paper: – Introduction – Body (with logically following paragraphs) – Conclusions – not just a summary of your arguments, but your final thoughts that result from your essay – References (footnotes, endnotes, in-text references) – Bibliography To write your essay, you will need to consult scholarly books, academic papers and digital sources (at least 5). Please note that Wikipedia and alike are not a legitimate source of knowledge as their content is dynamic and not independently reviewed. (If writer knows the term “choiceless choice” or “the grey zone”, it would be good to use these terms) The paper should refer to at least three works of theoretical or critical literature (books, book chapters, essays or articles) not studied in the class (ie. additional scholarly writing). The followings are what we studied in class(therefore, pls avoid using any sources from here): Zofia Nałkowska, Medallions: The Adults and Children of Auschwitz The Auschwitz Protocol – Vrba, Wetzler Report Death of Schillinger Primo Levi, The Gray Zone Rudolf Hoess, Death Dealer Bartnikowski, Guinea Pig.pdf (3.101 MB) File Lengyel, Scientific Experiments.pdf W H A T IS A CAMP?’ by Giorgio Agamben Rudolf Hoess, Death Dealer

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