Regional Trade Agreements versus Broader Global Trade Liberalization
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Annotated bibliographers:
1- Andrew G. Brown, R. M. (2011). Free Trade Agreements and Governance of the Global Trading System . International Policy Center .
Within this article, authors have talked about the idea of free trade agreements and its relationship with the global trading system or liberalization. In this regard, authors have explained that free trade agreements impact the global system of trade. Authors concluded that the clash between multilateral systems is not due to the trade liberalization that happens, but is quite diversion orders of trade.
2- Bown, C. P. (2016). Mega-Regional Trade Agreements and the Future of the WTO. Council on Foreign Relations.
While, on the other hand, within this article, the author has talked about the significant impacts of mega-regional trade agreements on the working nature and status of WTO. From this article, it becomes clearer that the idea of mega-regional trade agreements have diminished the active role and position of WTO which implies the fact that regional trade agreements offer new chances and direction for different regions for their regional trade, without the involvement of WTO.
3- Gonzalo Villalta Puig, O. O. (2011). Regional Trade Agreements and the Neo-Colonialism of the United States of America and the European Union: A Review of the Principle of Competitive Imperialism. Liverpool Law Review, 225–235.
Similarly, in this article, authors have also talked about the growing practices of regional trade agreements and their significant role in the progress of the Neo-colonialism. From this article, it becomes clearer that the regional trade agreements help to secure the trade within a particular region while pressurizing other countries over the use of regional trading system. From this article, it also becomes clearer that the regional trade agreements is more valuable than trade liberalization, for regional progress.
4- Juutinen, M. (2016). Regional Trade Agreements: A Strike at Multilateralism? Observer Research Foundation .
In this article, the author reveals about the idea of regional trade agreements, whereas claiming about the fact that regional trade agreements slowdown the multilateralism. In other words, regional trade agreements are overwhelming to global trade of different countries, as contradictory to the idea of trade liberalization.
5- Mo, J. S. (2012). Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements. Oxford Bibliographies .
In this article, the author also talks about the regional trade agreements, while stating that the idea of regional trade agreements involve all types of trades between regions, as two-sided trade. Also, the author claims that the regional trade agreements offer many trade advantages to the contracting groups. From this article, it becomes clearer that regional trade agreements are contradictory to trade liberalization, as it limits the trade between different countries.
6- Moylan, T. (2013). Is Regionalism a Threat to Trade Liberalization? E-International Relations Studeis .
In this article, the author has talked about the idea of regionalism over which different regions of a particular countries make trade between them. In this regard, the author has wrote this article with the aim to study the dangers of regionalism. He concluded that that regionalism is not a threat to trade liberalization, but helpful. So, from this article’s conclusion, it would not be wrong to say that the idea of regional trade agreements (regionalism) is not contradictory to trade liberalization, but complimentary.
7- Raymond Hicks, S. Y. (2012). Reciprocal Trade Agreements in Asia: Credible Commitment to Trade Liberalization or Paper Tigers? Journal of East Asian Studies, 1–29.
In this article, the authors has talked about the growing trading system between the Asian countries, while revealing about the fact that different countries of Asia are actively involved in trade liberalization, as their credible commitment to fair trade system within the region of Asia. From this article, it would not be wrong to say that trade liberalization help different countries to make trading relationship with each other, while ignoring the idea of regional trade agreements, within the regions of one’s particular nation.
8- Thierry Mayer, M. T. (2016). Regional Trade Agreements and the Pacification of Eastern Africa. International Growth Centre.
In this article, the author reveals about the fact that Eastern African regions are contributing to the idea of regional trading system, while making regional agreements of trade. The author claims that regional trade agreements help to combine the different regions of one particular state or country, while overwhelming the idea of trade liberalization, as a result of their separate trading system within the regions of Eastern Africa.
Regional Trade Agreements versus Broader Global Trade Liberalization:
Over the idea of globalization, trade has become the most significant aspect of economic relationships and dealings both within and outside a particular nation. In this regard, many studies have talked about the ideas of regional trade agreements and global trade liberalization. According to one of the studies, in this respect, the idea of free trade agreements and its relationship with the global trading system or liberalization has explained. In this regard, authors of the study have explained that free trade agreements impact the global system of trade. Authors concluded that the clash between multilateral systems is not due to the trade liberalization that happens, but is quite diversion orders of trade (Andrew G. Brown, 2011).
While, on the other hand, another study has talked about the idea of both regional trade agreements and trade liberalization. In this regard, the author has claimed that regional trade and trade liberalization are complimentary to each other. From the article, it also becomes clearer that regional trade has nothing to do with the trade liberalization, as they both support each other, while offering different trade opportunities to each other (Coulibaly, 2008). Many studies have also talked about the growing practices of regional trade agreements and their significant role in the progress of the Neo-colonialism, especially in the United States. From this study, it becomes obvious that the regional trade agreements help to secure the trade within a particular region while pressurizing other countries over the use of regional trading system. From this study, it also becomes surer that the regional trade agreements is more valuable than trade liberalization, for regional progress, as contradiction (Gonzalo Villalta Puig, 2011).
In another study, the author reveals about the idea of regional trade agreements, whereas claiming about the fact that regional trade agreements slowdown the multilateralism. In other words, regional trade agreements are overwhelming to global trade of different countries, as contradictory to the idea of trade liberalization (Juutinen, 2016). In addition, another study states that the idea of regional trade agreements involve all types of trades between regions, as two-sided trade. Also, the author of the study claims that the regional trade agreements offer many trade advantages to the contracting groups between the regions. In addition, from this study, it also becomes clearer that regional trade agreements are contradictory to trade liberalization, as regional trade shows slow economic growth than trade liberalization (Vamvakidis, 1998).
According to a study, the author has talked about the idea of regionalism over which different regions of a particular countries make trade between them. In this regard, the author has wrote the study with the aim to search the dangers of regionalism. He concluded that that regionalism is not a threat to trade liberalization, but helpful. So, from this article’s conclusion, it would not be wrong to say that the idea of regional trade agreements (regionalism) is not contradictory to trade liberalization, but complimentary (Moylan, 2013). While, on the other hand, another study has talked about the growing trading system between the Asian countries, while revealing about the fact that different countries of Asia are actively involved in trade liberalization, as their credible commitment to fair trade system within the region of Asia. From the study, it would not be wrong to say that trade liberalization help different countries to make trading relationship with each other, while ignoring the idea of regional trade agreements, within the regions of one’s particular nation (Raymond Hicks, 2012). In last, in another article, the author reveals about the fact that Eastern African regions are contributing to the idea of regional trading system, while making regional agreements of trade. The author claims that regional trade agreements help to combine the different regions of one particular state or country, while overwhelming the idea of trade liberalization, as a result of their separate trading system within the regions of Eastern Africa (Thierry Mayer, 2016).
Main arguments about Regional Trade Agreements and Broader Global Trade Liberalization:
Regional Trade Agreements, limit and impact the global trade liberalization, due to the trade diversion produce by the regional trade agreements (Andrew G. Brown, 2011).
On the other hand, regional trade agreements and global trade liberalization are complimentary to each other, beyond the idea of global competitiveness (Coulibaly, 2008).
Regional Trade Agreements limit the role of global trade liberalization, while keeping other countries’ trade-related concern outside the region therefore, regional trade agreements are contradictory to each other (Gonzalo Villalta Puig, 2011).
After global trade liberalization economies grew faster, both in long and short run, then the trade liberalization (Vamvakidis, 1998).
Also, higher investments of economies are involved within the trade liberalization than regional trade agreements (Vamvakidis, 1998).
Regional trade agreements helps to promote trade liberalization therefore, complimentary with respect to trade liberalization (Moylan, 2013).
Andrew G. Brown, R. M. (2011). Free Trade Agreements and Governance of the Global Trading System . International Policy Center .
Coulibaly, S. (2008). On the Complementarity of Regional and Global Trade . Reshaping Economic Geography Background Paper,(World Bank) .
Gonzalo Villalta Puig, O. O. (2011). Regional Trade Agreements and the Neo-Colonialism of the United States of America and the European Union: A Review of the Principle of Competitive Imperialism. Liverpool Law Review, 225–235.
Juutinen, M. (2016). Regional Trade Agreements: A Strike at Multilateralism? Observer Research Foundation .
Moylan, T. (2013). Is Regionalism a Threat to Trade Liberalization? E-International Relations Studeis .
Raymond Hicks, S. Y. (2012). Reciprocal Trade Agreements in Asia: Credible Commitment to Trade Liberalization or Paper Tigers? Journal of East Asian Studies, 1–29.
Thierry Mayer, M. T. (2016). Regional Trade Agreements and the Pacification of Eastern Africa. International Growth Centre.
Vamvakidis, A. (1998). Regional Trade Agreements Versus Broad Liberalization: Which Path Leads to Faster Growth? Time Series Evidence . IMF.