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Re:Topic 4 DQ 1

For better patient outcomes, new knowledge must be transformed into clinically useful forms, effectively implemented across the entire care team within system context  and measured in terms of meaningful impact on performance and health outcomes. The entry of EBP onto the health care improvement scene constituted a major paradigm shift .This shift was apparent in the way nurses began to think about research results. The way nurses framed the context for improvement and the way nurses employed change to transform health care (Stevens,Kathleen.,May 2013). It is important to understand the local health care system prior to implement the change so they can better educate the staff and prepare the facility to transform to the change with  all supplies for the EBP.


My mentor focused to reduce  the turnover of the nurses by keeping team work and  good professional relationship and communication with colleagues specially new graduates and new hired nurses  .She advised that helping them in emergency situation will help to alleviate the stress and anxiety and which can reduce turnover . When health care professionals are not communicating effectively, patient safety is at risk for several reasons: lack of critical information, misinterpretation of information, unclear orders over the telephone, and overlooked changes in status. Effective teams are characterized by trust, respect, and collaboration. Deming 8 is one of the greatest proponents of teamwork. Teamwork, he believes, is endemic to a system in which all employees are working for the good of a goal, who have a common aim, and who work together to achieve that aim. When considering a teamwork model in health care, an interdisciplinary approach should be applied. Unlike a multidisciplinary approach, in which each team member is responsible only for the activities related to his or her own discipline and formulates separate goals for the patient, an interdisciplinary approach coalesces a joint effort on behalf of the patient with a common goal from all disciplines involved in the care plan (O’Danielet.al ). higher level of teamwork and perceptions of adequate staffing leads to greater job satisfaction with current position and occupation. Increasing satisfaction would likely result in cost savings since high job satisfaction is linked to lower turnover (Hayes et al .,2006).




(Stevens,Kathleen.,May 2013) Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-18-2013/No2-May-2013/Impact-of-Evidence-Based-Practice.html


(O’Danielet.al ) Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2637/


(Hayes et al .,2006) Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2994317/

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