Organisation communication

Organisation communication

Format MLA

Volume of 5 pages (1375 words)

Assignment type : Term paper

Introduction (50-100 words)

An overview of the 3 themes and your reasons for selecting them to reflect in this assessment

Theme 1: Reflection and application  (950 words)

(Combine and integrate 2 topics covered between Weeks 1 and 10. e.g., week 3 or 4 topics. Avoid using the topics that you have already used in Assessment 1)

Some Reflection Prompts

1. Have any intriguing ideas emerged from your seminar discussions?

2. What ideas (from lectures, work experience, other related modules….?) stand out in your mind as being particularly important/useful?

3. How do these ideas relate to other similar ideas you have come across?

4. How can you use these ideas in the future?
5. Can you relate some of these ideas to the world of work?

6. What made it easy or difficult for you to learn? What does that say about how you prefer to learn?
7. Are any general themes emerging?

8. What actions do you plan to take based on what you learned? (i.e., suggestions for further learning/research/improvement)

Sample structure:

Theme 1: Human resources issues during M&A and Organisational Learning (950 words)

a) Review of the key concepts/theories/models and your reasons for selecting them to reflect in this theme (150 words)

b) Reflections on (500 words):

 the applications and critics of the key concepts/theories/models based on case studies, readings, literature review, criticism, in-class activities

 challenges you faced in learning them,

 your feelings, and the

 lessons you have learnt and their implications on you

c) Reflections on (250 words)
the applications of the key concepts/theories/models on personal work-

related experiences (past, present, future), and

you learning and development action plan using SMART objectives based on this reflection

d) A small conclusion for this theme and smooth transition to the next theme (50 words)

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Theme 2: Reflection and application  (950 words)

(Combine and integrate 2 topics covered between Weeks 1 and 10. e.g., week 5&6 topics. Avoid using the topics that you have already used in Assessment 1)

Some Reflection Prompts
1. Have any intriguing ideas emerged from your seminar discussions?

2. What ideas (from lectures, work experience, other related modules….?) stand out in your mind as being particularly important/useful?
3. How do these ideas relate to other similar ideas you have come across?

4. How can you use these ideas in the future?
5. Can you relate some of these ideas to the world of work?

6. What made it easy or difficult for you to learn? What does that say about how you prefer to learn?
7. Are any general themes emerging?

8. What actions do you plan to take based on what you learned? (i.e., suggestions for further learning/research/improvement)

Same structure as theme 1, above.

Theme 3: Reflection and application (950 words)

(Combine and integrate 2 topics covered between Weeks 1 and 10. e.g., week 7&8 topics. Avoid using the topics that you have already used in Assessment 1)

Some Reflection Prompts
1. Have any intriguing ideas emerged from your seminar discussions?

2. What ideas (from lectures, work experience, other related modules….?) stand out in your mind as being particularly important/useful?
3. How do these ideas relate to other similar ideas you have come across?
4. How can you use these ideas in the future?
5. Can you relate some of these ideas to the world of work?

6. What made it easy or difficult for you to learn? What does that say about how you prefer to learn?
7. Are any general themes emerging?

8. What actions do you plan to take based on what you learned? (i.e., suggestions for further learning/research/improvement)

Same structure as theme 1, above.

Conclusions (100 words)

Reference List (put on the new page)


1. use Harvard Referencing System

2. include at least 20 reputable, quality, relevant, reliable, updated sources (e.g., textbooks, journals, reports, newspaper)


Talk why you choose these themes given below and why it is important in the NZ workplace and career opportunities in the future.

1.Reflection on HR challenges during organisation learning and M&A. 950 words
a. models/theories – range of models, discuss two primary models and relate the two primary models, explain the connection between the two models.
b. application of the models and your reflection on the models
c. reflect based on work experience
Theories and case
Model/Theories –
 Three learning level in organisation (Crossan,1999)
 3-stage model of human resource issues and activities in M&A proposed by Schuler & Jackson (2001)
 Case – Toyota case
2. Refection on organisation communication strategies to manage the effects caused by stress and emotions
a. models/theories – range of models, discuss two primary models and relate the two primary models, explain the connection between the two models.
b. application of the models and your reflection on the models
c. reflect based on work experience

Theories and case
 Model/Theories –
 Case -Pfizer
3. Refection on the change agent (internal or external stakeholders) affected by directed change.
a. models/theories – range of models, discuss two primary models and relate the two primary models, explain the connection between the two models.
b. application of the models and your reflection on the models
c. reflect based on work experience
Theories and case
 Theories –
 Case – HMRC and O2 (session 10&11)

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