


In my classroom, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) settings should be applied. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is not a place, actually it’s a guideline that helps to children in their educational program. According to these guidelines, all students are equal and they must receive equal opportunities during education. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) confirmed that that each student should receive equal opportunities and they face no problem due to their physical appearance, health issues etc. If there is any need to remove any student from the classroom or provide extra classes to some special then its only happen according to the laws of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In my classroom, all students should be sitting according to their own choice. Who came first then he/she can sit on the front bench or maybe where he/she want to sit in the room. But the position of the chairs can’t be changed. Chairs position should be fixed and they can’t change until I gave special orders for some special activity. When I start some activity, then I can allow them to change the settings according to my orders. In normal case, chairs are arrange in such way that I can see face of every student and they can’t talk frequently with each other too. Chairs setting should be according to the light arrangement, windows & room’s door location. If in my class, there is any disable student then there should be a seat reserve for him. The location of the seat should be according to their health issues and my recommendations. For example, a student with breathing problem always sit on the chair which is close to the window and the student with walking problem always sit in the chair which is close to the room’s door.

Lesson Plans:

Five days completed lesson plans

Five Day Lesson Plan
TimeDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
8:30 – 9:30English Reading (Introduce the words from A to F)English Reading (Introduce the words from G to L)English Reading (Introduce the words from M to R)English Reading (Introduce the words from S to X)English Reading (Introduce the words from Y to Z plus revision)
9:30 – 10:30Math Reading (Introduce digits from 1 to 5)Math Reading (Introduce digits from 1 to 5)Math Reading (Introduce digits from 1 to 5)Math Reading (Introduce digits from 1 to 10)Math Reading (Introduce digits from 1 to 10)
10:30 – 11:30Lunch Time
11:30 – 12:30Drawing (try to teach them to draw a straight line)Drawing (try to teach them to make a circle)Drawing (try to teach them to draw a straight line)Drawing (try to teach them to make a circle)Drawing (try to teach them to make circle, and straight line)

This lesson plan is for initial class. Where student start to learn. Here student start to identify the words and digits. At the same time student start to use the pencil and draw different shapes. In this 5 days lesson, we used different animated clips in which alphabetical words come again and again on the screen and when they come to screen then student and myself called the name of that letter with loud voice. Same practice with math reading too but here we read digits. For each lesson, I first introduce that what I read today and what we read in previous class. For this, we used animated clips, different shapes & blocks. At the end of class I gave them blocks on which alphabetical letters & digits are printed and tell them to find only those letters which we read today. I expect from the students that they pick the right block on every day which also shows me the weakness and strength of every student in the class. Similarly in art class, I gave pencils on each student and tell them how to make a straight line. In this practice, I teach them how to grab the pencil and how to start to write.

Each lesson plan addresses specific standards and benchmarks.

IEPs have focused on a student’s securing of fundamental scholastic or functional skills and have had nearly nothing if any relationship to a particular scholarly territory or review level expectations. Interestingly, the procedure used to build up an standards-based IEP is straightforwardly attached to the state’s substance measures. Both the student’s available level of execution and the yearly IEP objectives are lined up with the state’s review level standards, making an arrangement that is gone for getting the student to a capable level on all state standards. While there may be a hole some of the time critical between the students’ available level of execution and the skills and knowledge required to meet the review level principles the IEP should deliver what necessities to occur all together for the student to meet the gauges. Once the IEP group has broken down the student’s present execution and figured out what the student needs to take in, the extraordinarily designed instruction. In this class, I try to familiar them to alphabetical words, digits and how to draw different shapes. I used different methods to introduce the words correctly to the students and try to make it easier that they can understand this. For this, I used animated clips which used alphabetical words and digits and students easily understand them. I play different games with the students that help them to remember the words & digits. Like I ask everybody to tell me the spelling of his own name and tell them to identify the words of your own name on the board where I write alphabetical words already. Similarly start from one from one end of the class and each next student tells me what the next number is after his previous. I play this game from right to left, left to right and then column wise too. In drawing class, student starts to learn how to use pencil. Here I show them different pictures and tell them to make that shapes on their copies. After this class, student able to read small words correctly. They know how to add and subtract the digits and they remember counting from 0 to 100. In drawing class, initially they start to make shapes but after some time they also start to draw words and at the end of this class they are able to write words and digits properly. Regardless of whether your state is advancing a standards-based way to deal with IEPs, guardians should start to demand a solid connection between IEP parts and their state’s academic content guidelines to enhance student advance. What’s more, while a standards-based IEP will give a few advantages over the traditional approach, guardians should in any case intently screen the advance of their child. Reports of advance toward yearly IEP objectives must be given to guardians all the time, for example, in the meantime reports cards are issued for all students. Make sure to utilize these reports to gage whether your tyke is gaining adequate ground toward achieving the yearly goals established in the IEP.

Attached assignments/activities for each lesson.

I gave them different assignments and activities for each lesson in the class as well as for their home too, but these assignments and activities are very simple that each student can do easily. Like, in reading class, at the end of each class I gave them blocks on which alphabetical letters are printed and tell them to find only those letters which we read today. I expect from the students that they pick the right block on every day like for day one they should pick the letters from A to F which also shows me the weakness and strength of every student in the class. Similarly, sometimes I gave them an assignment for their home that tries to tell me the name of one fruit whose name starts with letter A. Like reading class, I also used same activity for math class too which is by using blocks to find the correct digits. I also asked the students to collect all your family members and tell me to next class. In drawing class, I put some shapes on the table and ask the student to make this shape on your drawing copies, initially these shapes are straight blocks or circles. One of my strongest memories from my early years of instructing needs to do with the never ending scan for lessons activities, games that worked. For everything except the most self-sure volunteer instructors the staggering need amid the principal few periods of teaching is overcoming whatever number class periods as could be expected under the circumstances without disasters, for example, practices that take twice the length arranged, directions that students totally misconstrue, and exercises that students react to with overpowering lack of concern. Another type of fiasco perhaps the most exceedingly terrible is coming up short on activities when the class time frame is just half finished. Amid my first year of teaching, my response when gotten short was to have the class play Hangman, an innocuous small spelling diversion that could without much of a stretch dispatch 30 minutes of class time before everybody started to get eager. It didn’t show much English, however it enabled me to survive a class period without coming up short on material. From various perspectives, Hangman fills in as an image of my initial showing days in light of the fact that the essential protest of my class arranging was to keep myself from ending up like the hanging man himself, dangling before a class to which my freshness had been abruptly uncovered. For whatever length of time that my emphasis was essentially alone absence of confidence and need to abstain from humiliating myself, it was hard to see past my needs to those of the students. Eventually, obviously, your objective in every day’s English lesson ought to be to give a decent learning background to the students. In any case, until the point when you have the confidence that you can traverse a lesson with your nobility in place, it is hard to concentrate on larger amount issues, for example, how to utilize the class hour as adequately as would be prudent. This section tends to the issue of planning for the class hour, with an eye to getting you past the survival stage as quickly as possible.

Assessments that accompany your teaching unit.

In classrooms where assessment for learning is polished, students are urged to be more dynamic in their learning and related assessment. A definitive reason for assessment for learning is to make self-controlled students who can leave school capable and confident to keep learning for the duration of their lives. Teachers need to know at the start of a unit of study where their understudies are as far as their learning and after that constantly mind how they are advancing through strengthening the feedback they get from their students. Students are guided on what they are relied upon to realize and what quality work resembles. The instructor will work with the understudy to comprehend and recognize any holes or misinterpretations (starting/analytic assessment. As the unit advances, the teacher and student cooperate to survey the student’s information, what she or he needs to figure out how to enhance and broaden this learning, and how the student can best get to that point developmental assessment. Assessment for learning happens at all phases of the learning process. During the class, I also test my students for their assessment. This test is normally for the start of class and at the end of the class. Like at start, I ask questions about what we read in previous class and at the end of the class I ask question about what we read today and previously. For this, I used different words in my class and ask them to answer me for which word come before that specific word and which word is come after that specific word. I also used this technique with the blocks that sometime I ask them to pick different block from the whole blocks. If the results of these types of assessments are not good them I repeat my whole class and sometimes the previous class too to teach them properly. In drawing class, I just show the shapes for minute and then hide the shape and ask the students to make that shape on their copies. Assessment made to figure out what an student does and does not think about a subject and assessment made to decide an student’s learning style or inclinations. Used to decide how well a student can play out a specific arrangement of skills identified with a specific subject or gathering of subjects. happens toward the start of a unit of study used to educate direction makes up the underlying period of assessment for learning and assessment made to decide an student’s knowledge and abilities, including learning holes as they advance through a unit of study. Used to advise direction and guide learning and happens over the span of a unit of study makes up the ensuing period of assessment for learning.

Each lesson plan shows evidence of differentiated instruction.

In my class, there are many ways I can help children with learning and attention issues in the class like if any student have problem in reading then I provide the audio recording that help him to learn the lesson. I record my lesson for those students who have problem to read it. Similarly those students can share things with their class fellows, for this I try to established a sharing sense in the students because this is very important for their whole future life not only educational for every aspect of life.

The use of a variety of technology is evident in each lesson

I used different technologies in the class. Like I used projector technology to show video clips to the students. Technology used for disable students for video and audio recordings. We used tablet computers for drawings. I used laptop and internet to find different videos or clips to show them.

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