Managing festivals and events’ poster presentation
Format MLA
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : Other types
Module summary
This module is taught in semester 1 and repeated in semester 2. STUDENTS MAY CHOOSE TO STUDY THE MODULE EITHER IN SEMESTER 1 OR SEMESTER 2. The module provides an exploration of the principles and practice required to manage Events and Festivals. The fundamentals of customer expectations, customer care, event and project structure, and quality enhancement will be explored through case studies and detailed analysis of existing events/festivals. This provides a framework for further exploration of the tools of quality management, project planning, and event management.Having defined the essential managerial elements required for festival and event management students will then explore decision-making and techniques to aid creative and lateral thinking in the generation of new and exciting ideas for events and festivals. The module concludes with a number of detailed case studies which require students to synthesise the appropriate management structures and frameworks to ensure quality delivery, with their creative ambition to generate new and exciting proposals.
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
demonstrate an ability to plan high quality events and festivals;
demonstrate an understanding of key management issues relevant to the organisation of high quality events and festivals;
explain and apply a range of generic management principles, tools and frameworks to the creation and planning of events and festivals;
engage with appropriate evaluate techniques for events and festivals;
understand a range of creative thinking approaches and methodologies to generate ideas for events and festivals;
demonstrate a practical understanding of a range of problem solving and quality improvement techniques;
explore a theoretical understanding of teams and practical team building skills;
Learning outcomes
Initial research skills, synthesis and practical exploration of key theories presented in written format;
Understanding of basic management terminology and theoretical concepts;
Development of creative thinking skills, planning, organisation and communication in Event/Festival proposals;
Communication, Research and synthesis of theoretical and practical materials in student seminars and staff-set activities.
Skills outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
demonstrate an awareness of the literature and research in the area of generic management and, more specifically, events management theory;
understanding basic management principles in the planning and creation of events and festivals;
demonstrate a detailed understanding one chosen area of management relevant to the planning and creation of events and festivals;
analyse the quality of specific events/ festivals;
show an awareness of the basic trends within the discipline and their reflection of social, cultural and economic determinants.
Introduction: What Are Events/Festivals?
Customer Focus, Customer Experience
Project Management: Planning and Logistics
Teams and Communication
HRM and Equal Opportunities
Decision Making : Creative and Lateral Thinking
Synthesis: Case Study Analysis
Creating Your Own Event/ Festival