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Since the early 1980’s deregulation in public utilities such as electricity and long distance telephone service has taken place; competition has become the order of the day. As the manager of a company entering the new millennium, how do you reconcile customer satisfaction and the demand for quality with these concepts? In the first half of your answer to this question, you must provide empirically supported materials for your advisement (such as. guidelines recommended by the United Nations) then in the second half of your answer, you must describe the personal recommendations you would give the CEO if all he had time for was a twenty-minute conversation with you. The response “I would provide the CEO with the list of guidelines recommended by the United Nations” is not acceptable; this is a one-size-fits-all response and there is no way the CEO could appreciate all these guidelines in a twenty-minute conversation. An acceptable answer to the second half of the question would include concrete examples of things he should consider as he is in the planning stages of doing business overseas. Describe what YOU consider the most important aspects of conducting business overseas based on YOUR experience and include a description of what you feel are the most important and often “hidden” potential problems. Please make sure all references are from “academically reputable sources” and that all are available for the Professors to read and review in English. Additionally, the Examination requires the student demonstrate their knowledge of the subject material and to explain how they will apply their learning to the situation posed. As a manager, use what you have learned from the experts to describe how YOU would manage the situation. Quoting textbooks or describing what the experts/ theories say is correct is 50% of the essay answer. The other 50% is explaining how you will use this knowledge or information. For direct questions such as “How would you … take “ownership of the problem” and explain which actions you would implement, how and why. Provide the answers to each question in your own words, in addition to the cited and referenced “business expert” answer. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE PAPER FOLLOWS THE ABOVE FORMAT : “As a manager, use what you have learned from the experts to describe how YOU would manage the situation. Quoting textbooks or describing what the experts/ theories say is correct is 50% of the essay answer. The other 50% is explaining how you will use this knowledge or information. For direct questions such as “How would you … take “ownership of the problem” and explain which actions you would implement, how and why. Provide the answers to each question in your own words, in addition to the cited and referenced “business expert” answer.”

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