Interview questions
1. What is your name? (A pseudo name will be used in the study) Edit: some of these questions should be changed to align with the overall flow of the dissertation.
2. How old are you?
3. How long have you lived in Japan?
4. How long have you worked at your current job?
5. What is your position at your current job?
6. What does a typical day look like at your job? From start to finish?
7. How would you describe the atmosphere at your company? (laid back, strict….)
8. How well do you speak Japanese?
9. How would you describe your experience working with Japanese people?
10. What style of management is used in your office?
11. How would you describe your typical task load or project load? (heavy load, light, etc)
12. Do you complete tasks or assignments independently or do you work with a Japanese counterpart?
12a. For independent tasks being completed, what kind of environment are they being completed under? (relaxed, pressured etc)
12b. For assignments or tasks completed with a Japanese counterpart what kind of environment is it being completed under? (relaxed, pressured etc.)
13. What is it like working side by side with Japanese people/ Is there a healthy work culture?
14. Have the differences in culture and/or language with you and your Japanese colleagues affected completing your task or the quality of work you do? If yes, please explain.
15. Describe your relationship with your Japanese superiors?
16. How would you describe your relationship with your colleagues, as well as those you oversee (if you do)?
17. Does your company/office motivate you to complete tasks in a timely manner? If no, why do think that is so?
18. Does your company/office motivate you to improve your quality of work? If no, why do you think that is so?
19. Does your company invest in your personal and professional growth?
20. Do you experience job satisfaction? If yes, explain. If no, explain.
21. Are individual or group roles clearly defined in your job?
22. Is there effective communication between you and your Japanese colleagues?
23. In comparison to working in your own country, do you produce more or less body of work? If no, explain?
24. Do you have access to adequate resources needed to get through your daily workload and complete assigned tasks?
25. Is your current job one that you feel you can grow into? If yes/no, explain.
26. Has working in a multicultural setting improved your skillset and understanding of others who differs from your culture?
27. Have you ever experience cultural bias while at work? If so, explain if it had any effects on your work relations or job performance?
28. Have you ever been a victim of ethnocentrism from those in your working environment?
29. Have you ever experienced prejudice or xenophobia while on the job? If so, how did it affect your output at work?
30. How aware are you of nonverbal communications by your Japanese colleagues? Do you grasp their significance?