Individual: Visual Logic®: Choice And Iteration

Select two tasks a program could perform that would be useful to a small business.

Each task must include the following:

  • A conditional step
  • Some form of iteration

Example tasks include the following:

  • Entering a number of items and calculating sales tax on a sale; include a step offering a warranty for each item
  • Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius or the reverse over temperatures for several days
  • Figuring out a total bulk sale price based on price per unit and number of units

These items may build on the tasks used in your Week Two assignment or may be unique.


Create a 1/2-page Word document for each of the tasks. They can be separate pages in one document. Each document should include:

  • A brief description of the task
  • The pseudocode associated with the task. Base the pseudocode on the examples provided in Chs. 4, 5, and 6 of Prelude to Programming.

Include an APA style cover sheet on each Word document.


Create Visual Logic® files to execute each of the tasks.

Save all files in a single folder structure you zip into a single file to submit.

Submit the zip file containing all files using the Assignments Files tab.

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