Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Format MLA

Volume of 5 pages (1375 words)

The paper should be 3-5 pages of scholarly work. (This does NOT include the title page or bibliography). The paper is to be done as a MICROSOFT WORD document on a computer/word processor. Use 12 pt. font size. Use double-space line spacing.

You may pick the topic of your choice related to emergency management.

This course requires the submission of a scholarly research paper on a topic addressed in the text. The paper is required to have as its sources at least two citations from academic journals or from books other than the text used in the course and from at least two responsible websites devoted to the study emergency management.

Explain your topic as if the reader has little to no knowledge of the subject matter or of emergency management.

Proof read, re-read, and have someone else proof read your paper before you submit it.

USE SPELL-CHECK and the WRITING CENTER failure to use the writing center will result in a ten point reduction in your grade. Upon submitting your paper please forward confirmation from the writing center.

Use the format attached as the Title page.

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