depiction of slavery in Colin Whitehead’s novel The Underground Railroad
Description Details
Discipline History
Assignment type : Essay
Roman) Over the course of the semester, we have read a lot about slavery and American society. For your final paper I have assigned the novel by Colson Whithead “The Underground Railroad”. It is a fiction book that won the Pulitzer Prize last year (and will soon be a show on Amazon). Even though it is a work of fiction, there are many details that are based in reality. Your essay should answer this question: How does the depiction of slavery in Colin Whitehead’s novel The Underground Railroad compare to other depictions that we have read this semester (New York Burning, Fredrick Douglass, Nat Turner or our Textbook)? Is it accurate or not? Please cite specific passages in the book and relate it to what we have learned this semester.
Format APA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 500 – 2500 pages (6 pages)
Type of service: Custom writing