Elizabeth Lockhart
1 posts
Re:Topic 4 DQ 1
Knowing your health care system at local level is very important for nurses. As a nurse, you have to know your patient population. Are there cultural influences? Are there language barriers? Monetary barriers? Lack of insurance coverage? What type of EBP would benefit that population the most with the data from those types of questions. Once you thoroughly investigate your population, knowing what your local and public resources have, help to give a foundation to build the EBP on. It helps contributes in resources your patients can go back to and bring recognition to local assistance programs that most people wouldn’t know about. The newest nurse role that uses EBP, is the nurse navigator. My system uses them in all the clinics, from telephone triage, to med checks, to education to follow-up appts; they help get the hospital admission/readmission rates to lower levels. This was done after numerous trials and research from nurses that followed the patient from inpatient status to discharge to home check-ups. The proof and the results are in the data showing that it works and is being adopted in the healthcare industry citywide to nationwide.
Mays, G. P., Scutchfield, F. D., Bhandari, M. W., & Smith, S. A. (2010). Understanding the Organization of Public Health Delivery Systems: An Empirical Typology. The Milbank Quarterly , 88 (1), 81–111.