Creating an effective powerpoint presentation

Creating an effective powerpoint presentation

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Description  Details

Discipline English Language

Assignment type : PowerPoint Presentation


Verbal and nonverbal messages are used to encode messages shared with others. However, sometimes nonverbal cues are unintentional and people may not even be aware that the nonverbal messages are being observed by others and are communicating. An added element to this dynamic is when verbal and nonverbal messages contradict each other and receivers make a decision about which to believe. In this assignment, you will delve into the elements of verbal and nonverbal messages and how cultural filters affect communication by observing an interpersonal interaction.

For the Unit 5 assignment, complete all the elements below:

Go to a public place and observe an interaction between people engaging in interpersonal communication. Be sure you can hear as well as see the interaction.

Take notes about what you observe during the interaction.

In your notes, specifically include these topics:

What diverse characteristics did you observe (gender, age, rules of behavior, language, family patterns, etc.)?

What are the verbal messages being exchanged (summarize them).

Using the vocabulary from Ch. 5, explain three of the nonverbal cues that are evident in the interaction. Describe the relationship level of the interaction based on what you observe of the verbal and nonverbal cues.

Describe the contradictions you see between the verbal and nonverbal cues.

Prepare your analysis to be presented in a PowerPoint format with at least one slide per heading. The tasks/headings to include for the observed interaction are:

Create an intro slide indicating where you went, day of the week, time of day, and describe the nonverbal elements of the environment (noise level, decorations, music, dress/ characteristics of the patrons, etc.).

Describe the diversity present. How did the differences between the two individuals observed impact the interaction? Add additional detail, explanations, and the course concepts in the text reading in the notes section (presenter notes) to support your analysis.

Summarize the verbal messages. What did you find interesting about the verbal messages?

Describe a minimum of three of the nine types of nonverbal cues you observed (consider using visuals on the slide as well as word descriptions to support your points). Add additional detail, explanations, and the course concepts in the text reading in the notes section (presenter notes) to support your analysis.

Explain at least one contradiction you observed between the verbal and nonverbal cues used in the interpersonal interaction. Why was your example a contradiction and which did you believe, the verbal or the nonverbal message? Add additional detail, explanations, and the course concepts in the text reading in the notes section (presenter notes) to support your analysis.

Summarize your experience. How do your cultural filters influence your understanding of the verbal and nonverbal communication cues used in the interaction? Which of your own biases or assumptions did you notice from your observation? How can/did your cultural, biases or assumptions filter your perception of the verbal and nonverbal cues used in the interaction?

Using your analysis of the interaction observed and the dynamics of cultural aspects and how they affect communication, describe one strategy from the course reading that you will use to communicate effectively in your future interactions to build relationships and avoid biased perceptions, which could negatively influence your communication choices.

How can monitoring your use of verbal and nonverbal communication benefit your organization? Your community?

Include a reference slide in APA format for the course text and any images you may have used that you do not own.

Requirements for this Assignment:

Present the required information from above in a narrated 10+ slide presentation format. Please review the PowerPoint help sheet for assistance in creating your presentation. Format your presentation with the following in mind:

Correct APA formatting and citations

Include a title slide, an intro/outline slide, concluding slide, and a Reference slide

Presentations are visual. Do not put too much information on one slide. Images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools, but be sure to include all required information. Include proper citations for images and diagrams.

Remember, it is important that your presentation section on learning style is personal, easy-to-follow, and well organized. Follow these guidelines to further engage the presentation audience:

Use clear, concise bullet points.

Avoid crowded slides. You want your audience listening to your presentation, not reading all the material.

Share your enthusiasm and interest in the subject matter.

Relate the material back to your personal experience when possible.

Read the presentation out loud to yourself before you begin your narration.

At the end of the presentation, cite the sources you used to complete it.

Format APA

Academic Level: PHD

Volume of 1 page (275 words)

Type of service: Custom writing


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