Community Needs Assessment in AED and CPR Training at Columbian Elementary School
Description Details
Discipline Nursing
Assignment type : Research Paper
A community needs assessment is a combination of information gathering, community engagement and focused action with the goal of community improvement. A community needs assessment identifies the strengths and weaknesses (needs) within a community. Community leaders, local government, advocacy groups or a combination of these then address these identified needs through policy change or development.
The paper should be concise, typewritten and utilize APA format. The approximate page length is 15-20 pages excluding title and reference pages. Submit the assignment as an attachment (.doc or .docx) via SafeAssign to the Assignment Drop Box.
- Communication
- Describe the process(es) used to collect data
- Report on interview with key informants
- Critical Thinking
- Community defined or target area = the target area being assessed. It is wise to select a specific target population for the resource identification portion of the assessment (based on a chronic health condition; social condition; developmental level; environmental issue; etc.)
- Community location
- Where is the community located?
- What are the community boundaries?
- General description (answer a minimum of 5 of 9 questions)
- What type of community is it? (e.g. Rural, urban, geopolitical, community of function, emotional)
- What is the community population/or how many people does it affect?
- What type of official community government exists? How does it function?
- Who are the official leaders/organizers?
- Who are the unofficial leaders? How do they derive their power?
- Are there any particular political affiliations within the community?
- Are there any prominent topological features in the area? (such as lakes, rivers, mountains, railroad lines, major highways)
- What are the significant events in the community’s history? • What are the future plans/goals for the community?
iii. Population characteristics (answer something about each of the topics as they pertain to your community
- What is the age composition of the population?
- What is the sex distribution in the community?
- What major ethnic groups and races are represented? In what proportion? How do these groups interact? Who has power? Who does not? How is power exercised?
- Are particular ethnic group(s) primarily new immigrants or residents of long standing?
- What is the average income level for the community? How wide is the range in average family income? What portion of the community population has incomes below poverty level?
- What is the prevailing educational level in the community? What is the attitude toward education?
- What is the usual marital status of the population? What is the typical family configuration?
- What are the major religious affiliations in the community? How do religious groups interact? What types of community service programs are offered by religious groups?
- What is the usual employment level in the community? How does the unemployment rate compare to that of the nation? The state? Where do most residents work? Within the community or outside? What are the major industries in the area? What are the typical occupations of community residents?
What health hazards if any are presented by local industry?
- Are there any significant patterns of population change?
- Environmental characteristics (answer as relevant to your community; if you choose a functional community such as those with breast cancer answer with respect to how the environment impacts the disease process of health outcomes
- What types of housing are available? Are most housing units owned or rented? What is the average number of persons per dwelling? What are the prevailing property values? What is the typical rent? What is the general condition of housing available? What portion of the available housing is inadequate in terms of sanitation? Safety? What health hazards, if any, are presented by area housing?
- What is the source of community water supply? How are sewage, sanitation and waste disposal handled?
- What protective services are available (social service agencies; fire; police)? How adequate are they?
- What is the local accident rate? What are the prevailing rates for insurance?
(police or highway patrol probably keep these statistics)
- What transportation resources exist? How many residents own cars? What other forms of transportation exist” Are bus routes, schedules, and so forth, adequate
for community needs? How costly is transportation? Are there major thoroughfares nearby leading to large metropolitan areas?
- What educational facilities are available? What educational programs are offered? Do they provide community service programs? What educational support services are available (for example, libraries)?
- What communication network exists? What formal communications media are available?
- What recreation facilities are available? What potential health hazards do recreational facilities provide?
- What nuisance factors exist in the community?
- Health status indicators (At least look at census data for your county—Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment collects much of this data). If you choose to look at a specific disease process find specific data for that disease in Colorado.
- What is the annual birth rate?
- What percent of pregnancies involved prenatal care?
- What percent of pregnancies were illegitimate?
- What is the overall death rate?
- What is the maternal death rate?
- What is the infant death rate?
- What is the neonatal death rate?
- What are the annual rates for specific causes of deaths? (top 3)
- What are the incidence and prevalence rates for specific diseases? (top 3)
- How do morbidity and mortality figures compare with national and state figures?
- What is the overall immunization rate?
- How do these rates compare with those of previous years?
- What is the general nutrition level of community residents? What food market facilities are available? How expensive are food items? What food supplement programs are available? How well are they utilized?
- What are the prevailing community attitudes toward health and health care? Are health promotion and preventive measures utilized? What folk health practices are utilized? What percentage of the population has health insurance? How well are health services utilized?
- Assessment of Health Services Located in the Target Population (What you observe on your windshield survey or what do people that you interview say)
- Services proved by specific healthcare origination(s)
- Financing of services
- Financial criteria for being able to access the service
- How clients are handled that do not have the financial means
- Governmental/ foundations/ grant financing of services iii. Policies that drive the services provided
- Federal- CDC immunization policies; OSHA policies/ standards (negative pressure for handling infectious diseases), etc. • State policies & regulations
- Local city or county health policies & regulations iv. Provider skill mix
- Provide a mini organizational chart
- Nursing Roles in the system—specifically describe how these are implemented
(skills/ knowledge needed)
- Assessment of health services provided in and outside the target area used by the target population to meet health care needs (Resource identification- this is where it is helpful t have a target population in mind)
- Identify at least 10 usable resources
- Provide the name of the resource
- What the resource offers
- What is needed to qualify, cost
- Telephone or contact number (If there are gaps in an area, provide information on what you searched out and found and then give what is needed in your action plan)
- Possible categories of needs when trying to create a usable list of resources
- Patient Safety
- Community Statement of Problem or Diagnosis (state one problem/diagnosis)
- Leadership and Management
- One proposed goal based on the assessment and identified problem
- Two proposed objectives for the goal
- Overview of the plan
- Key players in the implementation of the plan
- Proposed Nursing Interventions
- Discuss strategies to address the proposed objectives
- Proposed Evaluation
- Describe how you could to evaluate the overall program plan
- Describe how you could to evaluate the objectives
- Professionalism and Professional Values
- Describe the value system of the community
- Compare and contrast your personal value system with that of the community
- Other Requirements
- APA format, writing styles, references
Community Needs Assessment Rubric
Criteria Point Value Points Earned
- Report of interview with community key informants (reference informant) *
Critical Thinking
- Use electronic data bases to support key informant interview
- Conduct an assessment of the community (location, description, population characteristics, environmental characteristics (see specific guidelines for paper)
- Evaluate environmental health status indicators
- Evaluate availability of health services
- Assess need for health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention
Patient Safety
- Develop one statement of problem/diagnosis
- Develop an action plan consisting of one goal and two objectives
- Propose nursing interventions (strategies to address the interventions)
- Describe the evaluation plan for the goals and objectives (strategies to evaluate the goals and objectives)
5 5 5
Leadership and Management
- Identify any laws, city ordinances etc. which may influence the health of the community
Professionalism and Professional Values
- Compare and contrast personal value system with that of the community you assessed. Is there any conflict of values or are your values congruent with that of the community?
Other Requirements
- APA format
- Grammar, spelling
- References
Total Points 100
Format APA
Academic Level: Undergraduate/Bachelor
Volume of 17 pages (4675 words)
Type of service: Custom writing