College essay

Service:College essay
Type of work:WritingSummary Page:NO
Study level:CollegeDraft delivery:NO
Number of pages:2Outline:NO
Number of sources:4Cover Page:NO
Referencing style:APABibliography / Formatted reference list:Yes
Instruction & Requirements:
The purpose of the Session Long Project for the E-Learning Course Design and Curriculum Development course is to develop an “E-Learning Resource Guide.” This Guide will ultimately consist of a series of web-based resources and scholarly readings addressing various aspects of e-Learning. Each entry in your Guide will also contain detailed information that is often found in an annotated bibliography.

For this Guide you will collect and assemble resources on e-learning from two perspectives – organization-level and course-level. You should include the perspective of both the “manager” of training (so it has organizational-level perspectives) and the “trainer” or “instructor” perspective (so it contains actual samples of e-learning courses and course materials). As you continue your career, you should add other items to your E-Learning Resource Guide as you discover them (in addition to what you work on here in class).

As detailed via the SLP assignment for each module, you will research, identify, and select four resources for each e-learning topic included in this overall Session Long Project. Two resources must be from the organizational level and two resources must be from the instruction perspective.

In accordance with the overview above, peruse the internet for readings or resources addressing your course title of E-Learning Course Design and Curriculum Development – either implicitly or explicitly.

Next, identify and select four resources with the specific topic of E-Learning for Adult Students and include them in your “E-Learning Resource Guide.” Each entry shall address a specific question or topic, as described below:

Your two organizational-level resources should address the question:

What type of e-learning solutions best fit my organization?

Your two course-level perspective resources should address a training need and address the question:

What specific two e-learning courses may help your department? (i.e., size of dept = 5-30 employees; and identify the work-topic area in which your staff need training).

Length: 1 page for each entry.

Note: Remember, you must select a total of 4 resources for this module SLP assignment. Two resources must be from the organizational perspective and two from the course perspective. Also, please be sure to relate all discussion of e-learning here to adult learners, and include discussion of specific issues that may apply to this age-group. Review the concept of andragogy if you are unfamiliar with it.

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