CHFD212 Week 4 FOrum

CHFD212 Week 4 FOrum

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Respond back to Christina ———–Every person experiences loss or grief in their own ways. Some people prefer to talk about others keep their minds busy with other activities. “Infants who were attempting to rollover, crawl, and walk prior to the loss or separation may stop any attempts for movement” (TLC, 2013). The child is experiencing the loss of his old care provider. He doesn’t know how to express his feelings or how to tell you what they are going through. The child doesn’t understand why his routine has changed. He only notices that the women whom was caring for him is not with him and he is with another. The new care provider should try to comfort the child by developing trust and security. The center should set up a way to ease them into the transition. After reading the scenario it seems like the child is just pushed out of the room and into the next without becoming familiar with their new classroom. That can make the child have more grief. The last teacher should try not to interact so frequently with the child while they are still trying to develop trust in the new provider. That can make the process longer and harder for the caregivers but more importantly the child.



TLC. (2013, October 23). Infant and Toddler Grief. Retrieved November 27, 2017, from——————————————- Respond back to Mercedes————————-In a structured child care program for the infants and toddlers of teen mothers, the very youngest infants are in one small room with a caregiver. At four months, the infants are moved to the next room, with a new caregiver. At eight months, they are moved again – and so on until age three. An observer noted, “On the day I visited the center, the caregiver of the youngest infants was standing in the doorway of her room, watching the caregiver in the next room try to comfort a tiny, crying infant. The first caregiver looked upset. I asked her what was wrong, and she said, ‘That baby was with me for the past three months; I really love him.'”

The children in this child care program for infants and toddlers of teen mothers are experiencing grief and loss every time they have to switch rooms and stay with a different caregiver. Babies can sense when someone they are familiar with is upset and it in return makes them upset. The infant does not know this new caregiver and may feel abandoned by the old caregiver and this is why the infant is upset. I don’t think that it is a good idea that the children are switching caregivers so often.

Format APA

Academic Level: –

Volume of 1 page (275 words)

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