Proforma BS


Fiscal year ends in December. USD in millions except per share data.       2017 Proforma  2014       2015       2016       Delta 2014-2015       Delta 2015-2016


Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents           $ 1,626.43            1282       1583       1680       0.2347893916     0.0612760581

Short-term investments               $ 1,727.07            1706       1468       1625       -0.1395076202   0.1069482289

Total cash            $ 3,353.50            2988       3051       3305       0.0210843373     0.083251393

Receivables        $ 494.67                365         474         546         0.298630137       0.1518987342

Inventories         $ 356.03                342         311         337         -0.0906432749   0.0836012862

Deferred income taxes $ 180.49                477         -1            ERROR:#DIV/0!

Prepaid expenses            $ 261.41                232         188         310         -0.1896551724   0.6489361702

Total current assets        $ 4,646.11            4404       4024       4498       -0.0862851953   0.1177932406

Non-current assets         $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Property, plant and equipment $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Gross property, plant and equipment    $ 26,408.29          22513    24685    26464    0.0964775907     0.0720680575

Accumulated Depreciation          $ (9,584.22)         -8221     -9084     -9420     0.1049750639     0.036988111

Net property, plant and equipment        $ 16,824.07          14292    15601    17044    0.0915897005     0.0924940709

Equity and other investments    $ 27.45  35           40           0.1428571429     -1

Goodwill              $ 1,045.92            970         970         970         0              0

Intangible assets              $ 449.00                363         464         426         0.2782369146     -0.0818965517

Other long-term assets $ 247.07                136         213         348         0.5661764706     0.6338028169

Total non-current assets               $ 18,593.50          15796    17288    18788    0.0944542922     0.0867653864

Total assets        $ 23,239.61          20200    21312    23286    0.055049505       0.0926238739

Liabilities and stockholders’ equity           $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Liabilities              $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Current liabilities              $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Short-term debt               $ 518.97                258         637         566         1.4689922481     -0.1114599686

Accounts payable            $ 566.00                1203       178         138         -0.8520365752   -0.2247191011

Taxes payable   $ 172.46                241         252         ERROR:#DIV/0! 0.0456431535

Accrued liabilities             $ 2,151.22            1565       2529       1917       0.6159744409     -0.2419928826

Other current liabilities  $ 3,822.12            2897       3821       3971       0.3189506386     0.0392567391

Total current liabilities    $ 7,230.77            5923       7406       6844       0.2503798751     -0.075884418

Non-current liabilities    $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Long-term debt                $ 2,795.89            2434       2541       2821       0.0439605588     0.1101928375

Capital leases     $ 58.61  165         ERROR:#DIV/0! -1

Deferred taxes liabilities               $ 3,280.56            3259       2490       3374       -0.2359619515   0.3550200803

Deferred revenues         $ 15.27  43           ERROR:#DIV/0! -1

Pensions and other benefits       $ 71.39  201         ERROR:#DIV/0! -1

Other long-term liabilities            $ 1,700.55            1809       1108       1806       -0.3875069099   0.6299638989

Total non-current liabilities          $ 7,922.28            7502       6548       8001       -0.127166089      0.2218998167

Total liabilities    $ 15,153.05          13425    13954    14845    0.0394040968     0.0638526587

Stockholders’ equity       $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Common stock  $ 871.24                808         808         808         0              0

Additional paid-in capital              $ 1,471.62            1315       1374       1410       0.0448669202     0.0262008734

Retained earnings           $ 10,083.71          7416       9409       11418    0.2687432578     0.2135189712

Treasury stock   $ (3,576.12)         -2026     -3182     -4872     0.5705824284     0.5311125079

Accumulated other comprehensive income        $ (763.90)            -738       -1051     -323       0.4241192412     -0.6926736441

Total stockholders’ equity            $ 8,086.56            6775       7358       8441       0.0860516605     0.1471867355

Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $ 23,239.61          20200    21312    23286    0.055049505       0.0926238739

Proforma IS


Fiscal year ends in December. USD in millions except per share data.       Proforma 2017  2014       2015       2016       Delta 2014-2015       Delta 2015-2016

Revenue              $ 21,120.00          18605    19820    20425    0.0653050255     0.0305247225

Cost of revenue               $ 7,158.53            7677       6025       6132       -0.2151882246   0.0177593361

Gross profit        $ 13,961.47          10928    13795    14293    0.2623535871     0.0361000362

Operating expenses       ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Sales, General and administrative            $ 6,666.51            5434       6383       6798       0.1746411483     0.0650164499

Depreciation and amortization   $ 1,136.31            938         1015       1221       0.0820895522     0.202955665

Other operating expenses           $ 2,558.75            2331       2281       2514       -0.0214500215   0.1021481806

Total operating expenses             $ 10,361.57          8703       9679       10533    0.1121452373     0.0882322554

Operating income            $ 3,599.89            2225       4116       3760       0.8498876404     -0.0864917396

Interest Expense             $ 98.31  107         90           75           -0.1588785047   -0.1666666667

Other income (expense)              $ (356.13)            -302       -547       -138       0.8112582781     -0.747714808

Income before income taxes      $ 3,145.46            1816       3479       3547       0.9157488987     0.0195458465

Provision for income taxes          $ 1,167.46            680         1298       1303       0.9088235294     0.0038520801

Net income from continuing ops               $ 1,977.99            1136       2181       2244       0.9198943662     0.0288858322

Net income        $ 1,977.99            1136       2181       2244       0.9198943662     0.0288858322

Net income available to common shareholders  $ 1,977.99            1136       2181       2244       0.9198943662     0.0288858322

Earnings per share           $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Basic      $ 3.03    1.65        3.3          3.58        1              0.0848484848

Diluted $ 3.01    1.64        3.27        3.55        0.993902439       0.0856269113

Weighted average shares outstanding   $ – 0        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Basic      $ 710.85                687         661         627         -0.037845706      -0.0514372163

Diluted $ 719.17                696         669         633         -0.0387931034   -0.0538116592

EBITDA $ 4,380.07            2861       4584       4843       0.6022369801     0.0565008726

NPV       $ 80,125.47          $ 83,305.13

Discount Rate    7.00%

The strategy used in this paper was to increase revenues through boosting sales. While this appeared to be a good outcome, the general outlook was that there were increased overhead expenses, which resulted in poor NPV for the projected years. For example, the model in the cash flow statement shows that the projected NPV value stands at $4,723.94 whereas the NPV from the previous year showed that the NPV stood at $8,268.44. In other words, this says that the projected year, although bearing profits, will see a larger number of incurred costs. The result will be reduced profits for the airline despite higher sales. Due to the nature of this enterprise, it is therefore not possible to implement this strategy. Increasing sales for the airline embodies unique circumstances, which do not improve the outcomes of the company.

Proforma CF


Fiscal year ends in December. USD in millions except per share data.       Proforma 2017  2014       2015       2016       Delta 2014-2015       Delta 2015-2016

Cash Flows From Operating Activities     ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Net income        $ 1,299.67            1136       2181       2244       0.9198943662     0.0288858322

Depreciation & amortization       $ 795.05                938         1015       1221       0.0820895522     0.202955665

Amortization of debt discount/premium and issuance costs        ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Investment/asset impairment charges  21           ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Deferred income taxes $ 257.25                501         -109       455         -1.2175648703   -5.1743119266

Accounts receivable       ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Other working capital     $ 265.98                48           1070       182         21.2916666667   -0.8299065421

Other non-cash items    $ (43.33)               279         -919       170         -4.29390681        -1.1849836779

Net cash provided by operating activities              $ 2,578.68            2902       3238       4293       0.1157822192     0.3258184064

Cash Flows From Investing Activities       ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Investments in property, plant, and equipment                $ (71.81)               -80          -102       -109       0.275     0.068627451

Purchases of investments            $ (2,030.09)         -3080     -1986     -2388     -0.3551948052   0.2024169184

Sales/Maturities of investments               $ 2,093.08            3185       2223       2263       -0.3020408163   0.0179937022

Other investing activities              $ (1,468.39)         -1752     -2048     -2038     0.1689497717     -0.0048828125

Net cash used for investing activities      $ (1,477.22)         -1727     -1913     -2272     0.107701216       0.187663356

Cash Flows From Financing Activities       ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Debt issued        $ 313.15                300         500         515         0.6666666667     0.03

Debt repayment              $ (372.09)            -561       -213       -600       -0.6203208556   1.8169014085

Common stock issued    $ 9.14    46           ERROR:#DIV/0! -1

Repurchases of treasury stock   $ (936.44)            -955       -1180     -1750     0.2356020942     0.4830508475

Cash dividends paid        $ (131.62)            -139       -180       -222       0.2949640288     0.2333333333

Other financing activities              $ 67.08  107         3              133         -0.9719626168   43.3333333333

Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities          $ (1,050.78)         -1248     -1024     -1924     -0.1794871795   0.87890625

Net change in cash          $ 50.68  -73          301         97           -5.1232876712   -0.6777408638

Cash at beginning of period         $ 1,077.00            1355       1282       1583       -0.0538745387   0.2347893916

Cash at end of period     $ 1,127.68            1282       1583       1680       0.2347893916     0.0612760581

Free Cash Flow ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Operating cash flow        $ 2,578.68            2902       3238       4293       0.1157822192     0.3258184064

Capital expenditure        $ (1,537.29)         -1828     -2143     -2147     0.1723194748     0.0018665422

Free cash flow   $ 1,041.39            1074       1095       2146       0.0195530726     0.9598173516

Supplemental schedule of cash flow data             ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Cash paid for income taxes          $ 519.28                155         1440       902         8.2903225806     -0.3736111111

Cash paid for interest     $ 88.98  128         105         100         -0.1796875          -0.0476190476

NPV       $ 4,723.94            $8,268.44

Discount Rate    7.00%

The strategy used in this paper was to increase revenues through boosting sales. While this appeared to be a good outcome, the general outlook was that there were increased overhead expenses, which resulted in poor NPV for the projected years. For example, the model in the cash flow statement shows that the projected NPV value stands at $4,723.94 whereas the NPV from the previous year showed that the NPV stood at $8,268.44. In other words, this says that the projected year, although bearing profits, will see a larger number of incurred costs. The result will be reduced profits for the airline despite higher sales. Due to the nature of this enterprise, it is therefore not possible to implement this strategy. Increasing sales for the airline embodies unique circumstances, which do not improve the outcomes of the company

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