The Art of Ancient Egypt

The Art of Ancient Egypt

Format MLA

Volume of 1 page (275 words)
Assignment type : Article

Describe the importance of religion and the funerary complex in ancient Egyptian civilization. How was art used in support of these beliefs and practices? Keep in mind that the style of art in ancient Egypt remained virtually the same throughout the 3,000 year history of this civilization as did its religious complex.

Acoording to Gardner’s Art Through the Ages book.
Ancient Egypt forms the base of most artworks all over the world. During that time, they were made of wood, clay, stone as well as metal. Frequently, religion played a significant role in funeral practices. Moreover, the system of beliefs at that time was complex due to polytheistic beliefs in gods and elaborate rituals performed. Religion and funeral complexity in Ancient Egypt played a key role in ensuring care for the gods as well as instilling hope of eternal life after the death of an individual. Mastabas are one of that evident that built.” which had a false door through which the Ke could join the world of the living and partake in the meals placed on an offering table”(Garden’s Art 59). You can see its picture on slide 11.
Funeral arts included models of granaries, kitchens, boats that connoted hope of future to the deceased. In general, art and religion were deeply connected in Ancient Egypt as they were closely used during the funeral process that marked the transition from one life to another.
Religion was important to Egyptians as it enabled them to provide for gods by giving sacrifices and offerings to obtain favor. Those people believed in life after death, and therefore, this contributed to funeral complexities. Also, Egyptians were sure about the life after death and made efforts to ensure the good existence of souls in tombs. The living provided real monuments as well as food, drinks, and utensils alongside the deceased grave. Egyptians believed that if the departed souls were not treated well, its spirit would come back in the form of ghost and haunt the living.
In conclusion, art was used in support of religious and funeral practices in various ways. The illustrations were utilized to glorify gods as well as expedite the social transition to eternal life. The places of worship were constructed as great shrines. The temple walls were decorated with arts which pictured periodic festivals as well as circadian rituals. People also made statues for their gods depending on their hierarchy but all in the same appearance. Egyptian tombs had wall paintings as well as sculptures which pictured the life after death. The arts were painted in various colors: the dead artworks were depicted in black while religious ones were made in white to symbolize purity.

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