Application 2 – Annotated Bibliography

Application 2 – Annotated Bibliography



Application 2 – Annotated Bibliography

As part of your doctoral seminar for this set of weeks, you are participating in a seminar-style discussion about the weekly topics. You will be asked to address 5 of the Required Resources and at least 5 additional resources from the Walden Library and to incorporate them into your posting. As a related exercise, submit an annotated bibliography of the 10 resources you will refer to this week. For each entry, be sure to address the following as a minimum:

· Include the full APA citation.

· Discuss the scope of the resource.

· Discuss the purpose and philosophical approach.

· Discuss the underlying assumptions.

· If referring to a research reporting article, present the methodology.

· Relate the resource to the body of resources you have consulted in this course.

· Discuss any evident limitations and opportunities for further inquiry.

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