An analysis of how might each crewmember may have acted to prevent the crash of United 173.

An analysis of how might each crewmember may have acted to prevent the crash of United 173.
Type of work:WritingSummary Page:NO
Study level:CollegeDraft delivery:NO
Number of pages:1Outline:NO
Number of sources:2Cover Page:Yes
Referencing style:APABibliography / Formatted reference list:Yes
Spacing:DoubleLanguage/sources:Not specified
Instruction & Requirements:

NTSB’s Aircraft Accident Report, UA 173, NTSB-AAR-79-7:


Sections 1.1, 2, 3, and 4

Write an analysis of how might each crewmember may have acted to prevent the crash of United 173.

Include a focused presentation of each crewmembers actions or inactions.

Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your completed analysis below.


National Transportation Safety Board (1978, December 28). Aircraft accident report, UA 173, NTSB-AAR-79-7. Retrieved from

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