Abolitionism in the United States
research paper, rough draft and final draft about abolitionism
Abolitionism in the United States
Abolitionism is a general term that has been used to describe the activities to end slavery in Americas and Europe. The efforts were coordinated through movements which their main objective and goal was to end slavery in Europe and Americas and free all the captives who acted as slaves more so in North America . The efforts started when King Charles I of Spain, admired the steps that Louis X of France had taken to ban slavery in the kingdom of France by 1315 when he passed a law to end slavery in all it colonies in 1542. However, the law was not enforced in its all colonial states and therefore, it was difficult to enforce it. In the early 17th century, the roman Catholics joined the efforts to condemn slavery through taking of the plea by Lourenço da Silva de Mendouça which was an official denouncing of slave trade and it was uploaded by Pope Gregory XVI in 1839 . Despite the efforts through abolitionism that started in as early as 1315, abolitionist movements started forming in 18th century when radical activism against slavery becomes apparent. James Oglethorpe was the first person to explain enlightenment when the English and American Quakers started to question the morality of slave trade in America in the 18th century and consequently banned slavery and slave activities in the province of Georgia citing humanitarian grounds as the reasons. His argument against slavery in the parliament was an eye opener for other leaders who were friendly to him including Granville Sharp and Hannah More who followed suit and enhanced the abolitionism agenda in different regions in America . After his death, Sharp, More and Wilberforce joined hands and formed the first ever abolitionist movements that was named Clapham Sect. {You need to give more detail. Why was this sect important?}The Somersett Case in 1772 that involved a freed slave in England under the common law was what threw spanner into works {what does this mean?] and several movements that were anti-slavery mushroomed in America. Even though there were a lot of sentiments that targeted slave trade and slavery, the activities continued in colonies and other nations that used slaves. After the revolution war that resulted to a nation, most of the northern states including Pennsylvania passed laws that abolished slavery something that gradually resulted to emancipation in America.
Research objectives
Abolitionism has been a major issue in the contemporary America today. Most of the American citizens are of the idea that abolitionist movement resulted to the war that America needed not to have witnessed. Most of the American have now stated condemning abolitionist forgetting what they did to shape the nation . The objective of this paper was to study the history of abolitionist movements considering slavery to reveal their contribution to America as a nation. The article will review some of the available literature on the topic s as to raise a sense of appreciation of the activities of the abolitionist movements by creating a neutral understanding of their activities. The article will also look at some of the achievements of the movements and look at the contemporary abolitionism in the world.
Literature review
The recent criticism of abolitionist movements in United States is confusing and it seems to be ill-advised. It is common sense for those who have exhaustively read the history of abolitionism that the movements played a significant role in shaping America as a nation and its society. The end of slavery in America was the beginning of United States prosperity which placed the country on the world map . America could not have reached its current height in the world if slavery could still exist today. The unity of purpose that was created after the emancipation was the bedrock of American propensity and its is because of this that a review of literature will help American citizens to appreciate the activities of the abolitionists but not to be overshadowed by the results of civil war that originated from the efforts to end slavery. Harrold in his book is of the views that abolitionist movements and the advocates against slavery in America played a significant role in the efforts to avoid civil war in America . The author is of the views that the early warning to those who practiced slavery is evidence enough since there could not have been civil in America if the whites in the south and north could have listened to the warnings and end slavery in a peaceful means.
The abolitionist movements but the slave masters did not perpetuate the oppressions that were witnessed by the slaves and this is what contributed to civil war. {What are you trying to say.} The author is of the views that the movements were not organized to be radical but the resistance from the slave masters made them to change their peaceful tactics and engage the tormented group directly which increased tension between slaves and the slave masters. It is very clear from the literature by Fredrick Douglass that there could not have been civil war if the masters who owned slaves to could have agreed to the peaceful means that were advocated by the abolitionists to end slavery . {Indeed} Douglass in his book argue that after reflecting on the hardship he went through in his youthful age as a slave, there was need to save African American from the hands of the slave masters and this was not something that could be begged for but it was their rights just like other Americans and this was expressed I artwork such as the portrait with the phrase “am I not a man and your brother?” {You need to cite this book.}
According to Roediger, all the activities of the abolitionist movements were done lawfully and were meant to end the chilling dehumanizing treatments that slaves were experiencing in the hands of the slave masters. The anti-slavery movements and advocates used legal means and this is manifested in the efforts of James Oglethorpe who in his argument against slavery in the parliament was an eye opener for other leaders who were friendly to him including Granville Sharp and Hannah More who followed suit and enhanced the abolitionism agenda in different regions in America . After his death, Sharp, More and Wilberforce joined hands and formed the first ever abolitionist movements that was named Clapham Sect. {You are being redundant} the author argues that most of the abolitionists were men of the robe and could not have wanted or rater involved in activities that could have resulted to violence. Another author that extensively gave accounts of the abolitionist activities was Wrenn Corey in his article that was published in 2014. the author believes the addition of Christian voices to the archaic practice equally added impetus to the abolition efforts. Christians vehemently argued that the outdated method was against good morals and was entirely antisocial and should be encouraged to end the sooner, the better and that even black people are humankind and deserve fair treatment . It is after this that the abolitionist movement gained further momentum and its impact was felt by the spread of this change to nearly the whole of the U.S. the public outbursts and mass demonstrations in America specifically in the North-Eastern cities like the New York and the Philadelphia in around 1834 to 1835. The championing for freedom proceeded courageously with even the slaves getting the bravery to join the antislavery crusaders who were fought even legally by seeking intervention and the assistance of the Supreme Court in the New York. {You are throwing information out without giving details. What happened with the SC of NY?} This is a clear indication that all the movements were guided by the spiritual guidance since they were for a good cause.
However, the criticism of abolitionists is not something new at least according to Duberman in his book. Deuberman explain some of the criticism that have been directed on the abolitionists and predict that this will continue for a while in America. The American citizens according to the author have been described as meddlesome fanatics and blind to their own motives and the need of the country at the time . {Which kind of criticism? You need to explain by giving an example. Are you implying resistance and criticism from slave owning proponents, or modern revisionists historians?} Abolitionists are described as men who were enchanted with self-righteous fury that resulted to war that were not important in America. They forget the miseries that slaves faced despite that it is still there in the movies for them to see. The books have given chilling dehumanizing treatments that this group of people was subjected to and yet some people still do not appreciate the efforts of those who risked their lives to save slaves. The challenges that abolitionists faced were immense and they had to brave them to achieve their goals. All the abolitionist movements faced varied challenges in their movements during the 18th century. The author argues that all was not rosy in the movements and there were high levels of discrimination based on gender, racism among other intrigues . The author also explores the nature of abolitionist movements and describes criminal justice abolitionists and feminism among the movements. The author discusses some of the principles that governed feminism in the movements in America and how the movements could overcome internal challenges to become successful and achieve their goals. It is therefore a spat in the face of the abolitionists when they are castigated and their efforts not recognized by the society today.
Overview of abolitionist movement
Slave trade and slavery involving Africans commenced in the North America in the year 1619 in Jamestown in Virginia. As this deal proceeded in earnest, some of the white colonists did not feel happy and comfortable with the business terming it inhuman and violation human rights from its early stages of introduction. During the American Revolution time against the Britain rule, Delaware State and the Virginia State banned the importation of African slaves into those states in 1776 and 1778 respectively . Vermont made history by becoming the first among the other colonies to outlaw slavery and abolish it in 1777. Consequently, others started the next cue gradually like the Pennsylvania and the Rhode Island. The abolition of this repugnant trade was given a significant severe boost in 1789 when the society was advancing the abolition of slavery. The release of the captured black people held in Bondage was formed (The Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Release of Free Negroes and Others Unlawfully Held in Bondage).
By the time the American constitution was being drafted, it also gave another motivation towards the end of slavery by including in its Act clauses which never encouraged the continuity of the trade. It prohibited the trade by banning the importation of slaves 1808 and went ahead to impose severe penalties on those found promoting it, by making it a capital offense in 1819. The addition of Christian voices to the archaic practice equally added impetus to the abolition efforts. Christians vehemently argued that the outdated method was against good morals and was entirely antisocial and should be encouraged to end the sooner, the better and that even black people are humankind and deserve fair treatment . It is after this that the abolitionist movement gained further momentum and its impact was felt by the spread of this change to nearly the whole of the U.S. the public outbursts and mass demonstrations in America specifically in the North-Eastern cities like the New York and the Philadelphia in around 1834 to 1835 . The championing for freedom proceeded courageously with even the slaves getting the bravery to join the antislavery crusaders who were fought even legally by seeking intervention and the assistance of the Supreme Court in the New York. In 1841, the Supreme Court delivered its ruling in the affirmative, dealing a blow to slavery in the U.S. Since then; the trade came to an end only to be done secretly by the daring few. {This is redundant and appears as rambling. You mention slaves joining the antislavery crusade already. Also, which Supreme Court decision in NY are you referring to. You need to name it. This is too vague.}
The Biography of three known abolitionists
The influential men and women in heart who were ready to put their lives on the line for the sake of emancipation undertook the abolition crusade and advocacy which brought this primitive trade to its end. Indeed, they risked for a worthy cause . These abolitionists were many, but for this paper, only three are recognized, and they are Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and John Adams. Their contribution will ever remain embedded in the antislavery history.
Frederick Douglass
Fredrick Douglass was one of the many abolitionists who successfully fought for the antislavery in America. He was a former slave who felt the pinch of slavery and decided to be in the forefront in the advocacy for the emancipation of the black people. By the time he was under slavery, he was not known as Frederick Douglass but as Frederick Bailey. He was a staunch human rights activist, an orator and a renowned journalist and an author . Of all the abolitionists, he was the most vocal among blacks and equally famous for his distinctive and unique role in the community. He ended up forming his newspaper after a short stint with the Liberator newspaper for Garrison. His fame was advanced by the fact that he had his newspaper publication team, the North Star. Fredrick Douglass was born in 1818 in the Talbot County in Maryland and later died sorrowfully in 1895 in Washington D.C of what is likely to be a heart attack while addressing the national council of women.
The William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison was among the first antislavery crusaders in the U.S. he organized and led antislavery campaigns which prompted success in the war against the vice. He was a journalist by profession who was born in 1805 in Newburyport, Massachusetts to a merchant sailor . He began his abolitionist newspaper in 1830 known as the Liberator. This publication helped him advance his message for the end of slavery. He lived to see the abolishment of slavery and later died in 1879 in the New York City. History will live to remember him forever.
The John Adams
John Adams was born in 1735 in Braintree, Massachusetts to a farmer John Adams senior. He studied at Harvard University where he graduated with an undergraduate degree in law and later masters. He was among those who championed for the abolition of slave trade in America . He served in the Continental Congress where he assisted in drafting the Declaration of Independence from Britain. He served as the first vice president of America and later became the second president of the U.S. He finally died in 1826. He left an indelible mark on the history of America which generation after generation will cherish.
Achievements of the abolitionist movement in the United States
The abolitionist group or team in America fought a vicious battle that could not be managed by the faint-hearted. This war was won, and slavery was ended. It did not end instantly but gradually, and with time it finally finished bringing a significant achievement to the antislavery crusaders . These abolitionists were and still are regarded as heroes and heroines. Some of the things which were seen and made people to declare that success was near included division of the Congress territories to help find out which areas, regions freedom had reached, and which regions were yet to witness liberation. {Which law or act are you referring to? Be more specific.}
The research found out that the Northern part was free from slavery. Garrison organized a team which was known as the American Antislavery Society, the (AASS) effortlessly advocated for the then much-needed liberation, which was finally achieved. The creation of the Underground Railroad to facilitate free movement of slaves was one of the greatest abolitionists’ achievements. Harriet Beecher published a novel which was famously known as the Uncle Tom’s Cabin which dwelt quite a lot of freedom and liberation . {How so and why was it such an effective book on transforming Northern opinion?}The novel publication was to be followed by the proclamation of the actual emancipation {Emancipation Proclamation} of America from the barbarism of slavery and human trafficking. This came with a lot of joy and ululations from the liberated as well as from the emancipation advocates including a section of Christians and other faith-based leaders.
Abolitionism in contemporary world
In 1948, the general assembly sitting in New York declared the adoption of the universal declaration of human rights and article 4 of the declaration which states that “no one will be held in slavery or servitude and slavery and slave trade is prohibited in all their forms.” Even though slavery is outlawed by the united nation declaration, slavery still take root in all parts of the world today . It estimated that there are more than 25 million victims of contemporary slavery in the world today. Because of the increase in awareness over slavery in the world, abolitionist groups have emerged in the recent decades to counter the impacts of slavery. Groups such as the Anti-Slavery International, the American Anti-Slavery, International Justice Mission and Free the Slaves are working around the clock to ensure that slaves are freed in the modern slavery. Abolitionist groups such as the Action Groups to End Slavery and Human Trafficking in America is a group of Non-Governmental Organizations and corporations who have come together to abolish slavery and human trafficking in the world . Modern abolitionist movements have taken a different tactical approach from the conventional one since modern slavery is done in a more tactical way that it cannot be noticed easily which is contrary to what was there in the old days when slavery was done in the open. Slavery today is done through organizations and discrimination in movies and other economical activities. Child labor is one of the ways through which modern slavery has been practiced. {What is your evidence that movie discrimination is the same as slavery? In what sense?}
The recent debate to re-evaluate the activities of the abolitionist movements is something that has caused tension in America. {You need to give examples of this recent debate.} It is common sense for those who have exhaustively read the history of abolitionism that the movements played a significant role in shaping America as a nation and its society. The end of slavery in America was the beginning of United States prosperity which placed the country on the world map. America could not have reached its current height in the world if slavery could still exist today. {You need to explain this. This is vague. Industrial development certainly led to the rise of the southern economy.} The unity of purpose that was created after the emancipation was the bedrock of American propensity and it is because of this that a review of literature will help American citizens to appreciate the efforts that were made by the abolitionist. James Oglethorpe was the first person to explain enlightenment when the English and American Quakers started to question the morality of slave trade in America in the 18th century and consequently banned slavery and slave activities in the province of Georgia citing humanitarian grounds as the reasons. His argument against slavery in the parliament was an eye opener for other leaders who were friendly to him including Granville Sharp and Hannah More who followed suit and enhanced the abolitionism agenda in different regions in America. After his death, Sharp, More and Wilberforce joined hands and formed the first ever abolitionist movements that was named Clapham Sect. despite the recent debate to evaluate the activities of the abolitionists, the debate is likely to be wrapped by the contemporary abolitionist activities that have taken toll in united states. {You already wrote this information. This is redundant.}
Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass. Xist Publishing, 2015.
Duberman, Martin B. The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists. Princeton University Press, 2015.
Harrold, Stanley. The Rise of Aggressive Abolitionism: Addresses to the Slaves. University Press of Kentucky, 2015.
Janse, Maartje. “‘Holland as a Little England’? British Anti-Slavery Missionaries and Continental Abolitionist Movements in the Mid Nineteenth Century.” Past & Present 229, no. 1 (2015): 123-160.
Page, Tyler G., and Ed Adams. “Public relations tactics and methods in early 1800s America: An examination of an American anti-slavery movement.” Public Relations Review 40, no. 4 (2014): 684-691.
Pearson, Erin. “” A Person perverted into a Thing”: Cannibalistic Metaphors and Dehumanizing Physicality in Late Eighteenth-Century British Abolitionism.” ELH 83, no. 3 (2016): 741-769.
Richie, Beth E. “Reimagining the movement to end gender violence: Anti-racism, prison abolition, women of color feminisms, and other radical visions of justice.” U. Miami Race & Soc. Just. L. Rev. 5 (2015): 257.
Roediger, David. “The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition.” (2016): 719-721.
Walton, Hanes, Robert C. Smith, and Sherri L. Wallace. American politics and the African American quest for universal freedom. Taylor & Francis, 2017.
Wrenn, Corey Lee. “Abolition then and now: Tactical comparisons between the human rights movement and the modern nonhuman animal rights movement in the united states.” Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics 27, no. 2 (2014): 177-200.
� Janse, Maartje. “‘Holland as a Little England’? British Anti-Slavery Missionaries and Continental Abolitionist Movements in the Mid Nineteenth Century.” Past & Present 229, no. 1 (2015): 123-160.
� Wrenn, Corey Lee. “Abolition then and now: Tactical comparisons between the human rights movement and the modern nonhuman animal rights movement in the united states.” Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics 27, no. 2 (2014): 177-200.
� Walton, Hanes, Robert C. Smith, and Sherri L. Wallace. American politics and the African American quest for universal freedom. Taylor & Francis, 2017.
� Roediger, David. “The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition.” (2016): 719-721.
� Wrenn, Corey Lee, 187.
� Harrold, Stanley. The Rise of Aggressive Abolitionism: Addresses to the Slaves. University Press of Kentucky, 2015.
� Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass. Xist Publishing, 2015.
� Roediger, David. “The Slave’s Cause, 720.
� Wrenn, Corey Lee, 183.
� Duberman, Martin B. The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists. Princeton University Press, 2015.
� Richie, Beth E. “Reimagining the movement to end gender violence: Anti-racism, prison abolition, women of color feminisms, and other radical visions of justice.” U. Miami Race & Soc. Just. L. Rev. 5 (2015): 257.
� Ibid.
� Duberman, The Antislavery Vanguard, 231.
� Page, Tyler G., and Ed Adams. “Public relations tactics and methods in early 1800s America: An examination of an American anti-slavery movement.” Public Relations Review 40, no. 4 (2014): 684-691.
� Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass,57.
� Ibid.
� Walton, Hanes, Robert C. Smith, and Sherri L. Wallace. American politics and the African American quest for universal freedom. Taylor & Francis, 2017.
� Ibid.
� Pearson, Erin. “” A Person perverted into a Thing”: Cannibalistic Metaphors and Dehumanizing Physicality in Late Eighteenth-Century British Abolitionism.” ELH 83, no. 3 (2016): 741-769.
� Page, Tyler G., and Ed Adams., 691.
� Pearson, Erin. “” A Person perverted into a Thing”., 749.
� Duberman, The Antislavery Vanguard, 231.