Answer Exam ethics question
1- Describe the cultural relativism theory of ethics and how it may apply to a martyr/ suicide bomber situation.
2- Describe the egoism theory of ethics and how it may apply to use of a private e-mail server by the secretary of state of the United State.
3- Describe the Kantian theory of ethics and how it may apply to when Alexandra Elbakyan created a website to freely distribute technical papers without compensating the rightful owners.
4- Describe the Rule Utilitarianism theory of ethics and how it applies to privacy .
5- Do you feel that “black box” devices installed in cars are an invasion of privacy? Please explain why or why not?
6- Why are distributed denial of service attacks effective?
7- Everyone wins with Globalization
a) True
b) False
8- The increased use of robots and technology has led to the American worker working less hours per week.
a) True
b) False
9- Governments have not yet been involved in cyber-attacks or malware creation.
a) True
b) False
10- The freelancing fad of the nineties is in decline.
a) True
b) False
11- Give one example of the increased capabilities and use of robots:
12- Address the issue of globalization from your own ethical values.
13- What is the digital divide?
14- Describe the Virtue Theory of ethics and how it may apply to plagiarism.
15- Describe the subjective Relativism theory of ethics and how it may apply to globalization
16- List four situations when an IT employee might face an ethical dilemma.
17- How can the egoism theory of ethics be applied to censorship?
18- Ethics are:
a) The rules that enable us to work together
b) How societies and sub-societies operate
c) A philosophical study of morals – the rules for how we behave
d) Always doing what is legal
e) All of the above
f) None of the above
19- Telecommuting provides benefits for the
a) Employer
b) Employee
20- Identify an ethicl theory and explain how it may justify NSA surveillance of e-mail messages and telephone calls.