problem solution essay
Problem and solution
- Introduction
- Background: cafeteria, library, and campus is most people stay in their college day life.
b.Thesis: foothill College need a cafeteria provides student have a good diet.
- First Problem: healthy food and unhealthy food.
- Cup-noodles, subway, pizza we can get in usually.
- We have healthy food (salad) in coffee center, but it expensive for the students.
II First solution: diversification diet.
A.Introduction of healthy food
- Many international student in Cascadia college,we can have different countries food we can try.
III. Second Problem: not anymore place to choose
a.In school, student only choose suways and mobile restaurant.
b.UCLA have cafeteria inside of building, we don’t have.
III. Second Solution: share the cafeteria with UCLA
A.clean and safety than the mobile restaurant.
- library and classroom,we can’t loud voice with your friends, but in cafeteria,we can talk with your friends.
Solution1: Improve students nutrition
Solution2: A healthy diet will give students to bring a healthy physique