- Choose a family member (or some other person) you would like to interview to obtain information regarding your family history and history about your culture. Choose someone you believe can offer information about your history/culture that you do not have right now.
- Set a time when he or she is willing to talk to you for about an hour, and request that you be allowed to tape the interview.
- Conduct the interview using questions that you prepare in advance, then listen to the tape and write a paper and include the following:
What to Include:
- An introduction including the name of the person interviewed and why you chose that person for your interview. (5 pts)
- An outline of at least 10 open-ended interview questions. For more information regarding these typed of questions go to: (5 pts)
- A summary of their answers written in third person (10 pts)
- An evaluation of your communication skills including, but not limited to, the following: (give specific examples) (15 pts)
- Your listening skills
- How well you asked original and probing questions
- How well you maintained the focus of the interview
- How well you started and ended the interview
- How well you maintained rapport with your interviewee
- What you would do differently in future interviews? Explain how things would be different? (15 pts)
- Your listening skills
- How well you asked original and probing questions
- How well you maintained the focus of the interview
- How well you started and ended the interview
- How well you maintained rapport with your interviewee
- The paper should be 4 to 5 typed, double spaced pages, and should include a cover page. The paper will be worth 75 pts
- For every three (3) mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and/or incomplete sentence, one (1) point will be deducted from the final grade of the assignment.
- Late papers will NOT be accepted.
- Prepare an oral presentation to be not less than 4, not more than 5 minutes highlighting your experience, discoveries and challenges in doing this assignment. This will be delivered to your class in our next face to face meeting.