All 3 papers information and requirements are listed n the additional materials.

All 3 papers information and requirements are listed n the additional materials.

Article 1: xx

Article 2: xx

Article 3: xx

Article 4: xx

Article 5: xx

Article 6: xx

Works Cited:

  • xx
  • xx
  • xx
  • xx
  • xx
  • xx

For each of the 3 article that you evaluate:

  1. Briefly summarize the argument and analyze its rhetorical features in depth.
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the argument? Why? If you disagree, can you think of a good counterargument? (Be as specific as possible.)
  3. Evaluate the article’s rhetorical effectiveness. In your view, what about it works? What doesn’t work? Explain your answers with references to specific passages in the text. Try to be as specific as possible in explaining your own reactions to the ethos, logos, mythos, and pathos of the essay.
  4. Which of the author’s rhetorical strategies do you think you would be most likely to employ or avoid in your own advocacy?

Combined, the entries for the three readings should be about 3 pages in length.

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