Describe the ways in which our current society contributes to sexual addiction and hinders individuals from experiencing authentic sexuality. Be sure to include a definition for sexual addiction and authentic sexuality.

Describe the ways in which our current society contributes to sexual addiction and hinders individuals from experiencing authentic sexuality. Be sure to include a definition for sexual addiction and authentic sexuality.

Lecture Notes: Module 8


(Exam 5)


Table of Contents

HS 505: Facing AIDS and Other STDs


David Hager, M.D.


HS 506: Sex Offenders: Challenges and Recovery Issues


Ralph Earle, M.Div., Ph.D.


Course Description


AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases are now pandemic – affecting millions of people in many diverse places throughout the world. This, in fact, is the true legacy of the sexual revolution of a generation ago. Learn the truth about AIDS and STDs. Students will be given invaluable insights to the difficulties and barriers as they discover how to effectively minister to individuals with these diseases at any stage of development.


Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students:


  1. Will be able to recognize the types of STDs that are prevalent in the current culture, as well as identifying the symptoms and consequences of STDs.


  1. Will be familiar with treatment and prevention options for STDs.


  1. Will be able to identify the risk factors that increase one’s chances of contracting STDs.




Dr. Hager shares a medical explanation of STDs including their prevalence, symptoms, consequences and treatment options. Woven into his medical expertise, are the testimonies of real people who have contracted and battled STDs. Learn from both Dr. Hager’s medical opinion as well as the opinions of STD victims how to best prevent the risk of suffering from STDs.


  1. Introduction


  1. Primary Interest: Concerned for Oneself or One’s Partner


  1. Secondary Interest: Concerned for One’s Children


  1. Meaning of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD): Diseases Transmitted by Direct Intimate Contact of Two Individuals who are Sexually Active


  1. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20: Sexual Immorality is a Sin against One’s Own Body


  1. Behaviors that Increase Risk of STDs


  1. Risky Behaviors from the YRBS Survey- 2001


Risky behaviors multiply. The more risky behaviors young people involve themselves in, the more likely they are to risk pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.


  • Not wearing seat belts: 14% in past 30 days


  • Violent behavior: 17.4% carried weapon in past 30 days


  • Smoking cigarettes: 28.5%


  • Marijuana use: 24%


  • Alcohol use: 47%


  • Ridden with driver who was drinking: 31%


  • Cocaine use: 9.4%


  • IV drug use: 2.3%


  • Attempted suicide in past year: 8.8%


  • Dating violence: 20% of girls


  1. Sexual Activity


  • Ever had intercourse: 45.6%


  • Not using condoms: 42.1%


  • Multiple partners: 20% currently


  • More than four sexual partners ever: 14%


  • Sexual debut at 13 years of age or younger: 6.6%


  1. Consequences


  • Pregnancy


  1. 1 million among teens annually


  1. 42% abort


  1. 75-80% require welfare


  1. Greater risks of poor school performance and criminal behavior in offspring


  • Emotional


  1. Unsatisfied in relationships- used and abused


  1. Age differences


  1. Non-marital pregnancy=6.2years


  1. Pressure to have sex is enormous


  1. Chronic depression


  • STDs


  1. Statistics


  1. 15.3 million new cases annually in U.S.


a). 2/3 are less than 25 years old


b). ¼ are teens


  1. 333 million new cases annually worldwide


  1. Risk factors


  1. Early sexual debut


  1. Multiple partners


iii. Risks of those partners


III. Types of STD’s

  1. Bacterial: Can be Treated with Antibiotics


  • Chlamydia trachomatis


  1. Incidence


  1. 4 million cases annually in U.S.


  1. 26% of sexually active teenage females


iii. 89 million cases annually worldwide


  1. Consequences


  1. Cervicitis/Urethritis, Epididymitis


  1. Endometritis


iii. Salpingitis- 1.5 million cases annually


  1. Symptoms- Women: 85% asymptomatic; Men: 40% asymptomatic


  1. Long-term Consequences


  1. Men: Ascending infection


  1. Women: Fertility problems


  1. Treatment: Antibiotics


  • Neisseria gonorrhea


  1. Incidence


  1. 1 million cases annually in U.S.


  1. 62 million cases annually worldwide


  1. Symptoms


  1. Discharge, dysuria, abdominal pain


  1. Women: 80% asymptomatic; Men:15-20% asymptomatic


iii. Cervicitis/Urethritis, Epididymitis


  1. Endometritis


  1. Salpingitis


  1. Consequences


  1. Men: Ascending infection


  1. Women: Fertility problems


  1. Treatment: Antibiotics


  • Syphilis


  1. Incidence: 75,000 cases annually


  1. Symptoms


  1. Painless chancres, rash


  1. Tertiary disease to heart, brain, joints


  1. Treatment: Antibiotics


  • Protozoan (Trichomoniasis)


  1. Incidence: 5 cases annually


  1. Symptoms
  2. Discharge


  1. Pruritis/burning


  1. Treatment: Antibiotic


  1. Viral: Cannot be Treated or Cured Medically


  • HSV


  1. Incidence – 1 million new cases annually in U.S.


  1. Prevalence – 65% of sexually active persons


  1. Symptoms


  1. Painful vesicles and ulcers


  1. Urinary retention


iii. Asymptomatic first episodes 20-30%


  1. Consequences


  1. Recurrent infection- 70%


  1. Neonatal transmission


a). Primary infection- 50%


b). Recurrent infection- 6%


iii. Social stigma


  1. Treatment (No cure)


  1. Antiviral agents


  1. Suppressive therapy


iii. Vaccines in development


  • HPV (Most common viral sexually transmitted disease)


  1. Incidence – 5 million cases annually in U.S.


  1. Prevalence – 55-60% of sexually-active persons


  1. Symptoms


  1. 99% asymptomatic (only 1% will know they are infected)


  1. Lesions and pruritis


iii. Flat warts of cervix


  1. Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (SIL)


a). High-risk types


b). Low-risk types


  1. Consequences


  1. Cervical cancer/dysplasia


  1. Vulvar cancer/dysplasia


iii. Penile cancer


  1. Anal cancer


  1. Treatment (No cure)


  1. Vaccines in development


  1. Remove lesions


  1. Persistence of HPV – 10-15% of women


  • HBV


  1. Incidence – 77,000 cases annually in U.S.


  1. Prevalence – 800,000 chronically infected


  1. Symptoms


  1. Consequences


  1. Treatment


  1. No cure


  1. Immunization


  • HIV (AIDS)


  1. Prevalence


  1. More than 900,000 infected in US


  1. 40 million infected worldwide


  1. Symptoms


  1. Viral syndrome


  1. Immune depression


iii. Secondary illnesses: Cancer, candidal infections, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, CMV, etc.


  1. 3 million deaths annually


  1. Exposure


  1. Homosexual (MSM)


  1. Heterosexual (increasing; greatest risk in U.S.)


iii. Neonatal (screening pregnant women)


  1. Treatment


  1. Antiviral agents


  1. Multiple drug therapy


iii. Preventing and treating secondary illnesses


  1. Prevention of STD’s
  2. Condoms


  • Offer risk reduction for HIV, GC in men, HSV in men


  • Not protective for other STDs


  • Cumulative risk: Slippage and breakage rates of 2-4%


  1. Behavioral Prevention


  • Genesis 2 (two become one)


  • I Corinthians 7 (partners for life)


  • Mutual monogamy


  • Early instruction (abstinence and risk awareness)


  • If one insists on being sexually active, consider OCPs & condom use


Bibliography/Reading List


Becker & Verne. Safe Sex.


Dobson, James. The Myth of Safe Sex.


HS 505 Study Questions

  1. How do risky behaviors affect one’s risk for sexually transmitted diseases? What are the current statistics on the risky behaviors and sexual activity of young people?


  1. What are the consequences of unbiblical sexual activity? What did Paul have to say about the consequences of these sins?


  1. What is a Sexually Transmitted Disease? What are the two major types of STDs and how are they treated? Give examples of the symptoms, consequences and prevalence of each?


  1. How prevalent is HIV in the U.S.? In the world? What is the major cause of its transmission? What can be done to treat it?


  1. What is the best prevention for STDs and AIDS? How early should prevention education begin?


Soul Care Notes


Genesis 38:16


Numbers 25:1


Ezekiel 16:15


1 Corinthians 5:9-11


1 Thessalonians 5:22


1 Peter 2:11


Revelation 2:18-23


Course Description


The crisis of priestly abuse in the Catholic Church merely reflects the diversity and pervasiveness of sexual abuse and offender behavior all over the world. While current prognosis remains poor, miracles are possible in Christ. Students will be shown how to confront, reach out and take actions to help change a person infected with this abnormal behavior, guiding them through the threshold of hope and on to healing by returning again and again to God’s faithful love and presence in people’s lives.


Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students:


  1. Will be able to apply professional boundaries concerning sex offense to one’s practice or church.


  1. Will be able to identify and implement intervention strategies for sex offenders and victims.


  1. Will become aware of the issues and problems of sex offense today.




The issue of sex offenders is no longer a problem that exists outside the church. It is a real issue that affects even strong, Bible-believing, third and fourth generation Christians. No one is exempt from this potential. As a victim of sex offenders, Dr. Earle shares how he came to help sex offenders face the realities of their temptations and find freedom from the bondage of their sin.


  1. Introduction


  1. Personal Reflection


  1. Unconfronted Pain vs. Desire for Intimacy


  1. Paul’s Words: “I do the evil I don’t want to do”


  1. Professional Boundaries


  1. Use of Confidentiality Policies


  • Required background checks


  • Professional group therapy


  • Victim Empathy (Not their personal victim)


  • Confidentiality Agreements


  • Treatment Contracts


  • Agreement to Non-confidentiality when Needed to Protect Others


  1. Use of Polygraph (Evaluates Authenticity of Remorse)


  1. Use of Gene-O-Grams (Checks Family Origin)


III. Intervention Strategies for Churches


  1. Intervention Consultants


  1. Sobriety Contracts


  1. Victim Empathy


  1. Networking


  1. Caring for the Victim and the Victimizer


More people go to clergy than anyone else when they need help with the issue of sex offense. Yet most counselors share that their sex offender clients indicate that they feel the church is a very unsafe place to share their problems based on the responses they received from people within the church when they admitted their problems.


  1. Problems of Sex Offense within the Church


  1. Double Lifestyle


  1. Child Abuse


  1. Voyeurism


  1. Prostitution & Pornography


  1. Family Therapy


  1. Publicity Issues


  1. Lack of Training to Deal with Sex Offense


  1. Dealing with Personal Problems of Sex Offense


  1. Find a safe, knowledgeable person to turn to for help.


  1. Be open and honest.


  1. Find a sponsor to help individuals on the path to healing.


Bibliography/Reading List


Allender, Dan. The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse.


Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1990.


Beck, James R., and Catherine Clark Kroeger, eds. Women, Abuse, and the Bible. (Grand


Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1996).


Carnes, Pat. Out of the Shadows. Hazelden: 1981.


Carnes, Pat. Don’t Call It Love. Bantam, 1992


Grenz, Stanley and Bell, Roy. Betrayal of Trust: Sexual Misconduct in the Pastorate.


(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1995).


Laaser, Mark. Faithful and True. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992.


Laaser, Mark. Talking to Your Kids About Sex. Waterbrook Press, 1999.


Langberg, Diane. Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse. (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House


Publishers, 1997).


Langberg, Diane. On the Threshold of Hope. (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers,




MacDonald, Gordon. Rebuilding Your Broken World. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson


Publishers, 1988.


Schaumberg, Harry. False Intimacy. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1993.


HS 506 Study Questions


  1. What professional boundaries does Dr. Earle recommend using when treating sex offenders and their victims?


  1. What is victim therapy and how does it best work? Why is it so effective?


  1. What are possible intervention strategies that churches can implement in dealing with sex offense? Why is it necessary for churches to have a plan of intervention today?


  1. What are the major problems concerning sex offense facing churches today? What should the church’s attitude be toward sex offenders and their victims?


  1. How can a sex offender or a victim begin to find personal healing according to Dr. Earle’s recommendations?


Soul Care Notes


Genesis 34:2


Genesis 50:20


Leviticus 19:29


2 Kings 16:3


Ezekiel 34:2




HS 505




David Hager, M.D.


HS 506




Ralph Earle, M.Div., Ph.D.

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