New Order: Topic: Examining the Effects of Gender on Leadership Styles in Caribbean politics.
Pages: 42, Double spaced (11, 550 words)
Sources: 60 to 70 sources (Recent sources only)
Order type: Literature review only
Subject: Business
Academic paper
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description from client
Hi. This is a Literature Review and not a full dissertation. Please note that the outline that is provided to you is for a Literature Review. Please if you have further questions I will be delighted to discuss any further clarification that is needed. blessings
I. Introduction
II. Theoretical perspective on gender and leadership styles in Caribbean politics
A. Power, politics and leadership Theory
B. Max Webber Theory
C. Fielder’s Contingency Theory
D. Situational Theory
E. Behavioral Approaches Theory
III. Discussing Gender and Leadership in Caribbean politics
A. Impact of gender on leadership in Caribbean politics
1. Number of Male and Female Leaders in Caribbean Politics (past and present)
2. The Proportion of Male VS Female serving in Caribbean Politics (past and present)
3. Impact of male VS female on Caribbean politics
B. Role of male and female Leaders in Caribbean politics
1. The number of elected males and females
2. The number of appointed males and females
3. The number of opposition leaders males and females
IV. Examining the Tenure of Four (4) Male Leaders and Four (4) Female Leaders in Caribbean Politics
A. P.J. Patterson (Prime Minister of Jamaica – 1992-2006) and Portia Simpson-Miller (Prime Minister of Jamaica – 2006-2007 & 2012-2016)
1. Signature policies
2. Cabinet appointments
3. Cabinet reshuffles
4. Legislative achievements
5. Approval ratings
6. Decision making
7. Number of consecutive terms
B. Cheddi Jagan (President of Guyana – 1992-1997) and Janet Jagan (President of Guyana – 1997-1999)
1. Signature policies
2. Cabinet appointments
3. Cabinet reshuffles
4. Legislative achievements
5. Approval ratings
6. Decision making
7. Number of consecutive terms
C. Roosevelt Skerrit (Prime Minister of Dominica – 2004- present) and Mary Eugenia Charles (Prime Minister of Dominica – 1980-1995)
1. Signature policies
2. Cabinet appointments
3. Cabinet reshuffles
4. Legislative achievements
5. Approval ratings
6. Decision makings
7. Number of consecutive terms
D. Patrick Augustus Mervyn Manning (Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago – 1991-1995 & 2001-2010) and Kamla Persad-Bissessar (Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago – 2010-2015)
1. Signature policies
2. Cabinet appointments
3. Cabinet reshuffles
4. Legislative achievements
5. Approval ratings
6. Decision makings
7. Number of consecutive terms
V. Defining and Explaining Leadership Styles in Caribbean Politics
A. Autocratic Leadership Style
B. Charismatic Leadership Style
C. Transformational Leadership Style
D. Transactional Leadership Style
E. Adaptive Leadership Style
F. Participative Leadership Style
G. Situational Leadership Style
H. Structure Leadership Style
I. Authentic Leadership Style
J. Servant Leadership Style
VI. Categorizing the Four Male and Four Female Leaders within their Respective Leadership Styles as it pertains to Caribbean Politics
A. P. J. Patterson and Portia Simpson-Miller (Prime Ministers of Jamaica)
1. Traits demonstrated
2. Styles demonstrated
B. Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan (Presidents of Guyana)
1. Traits demonstrated
2. Styles demonstrated
C. Roosevelt Skerrit and Mary Eugenia Charles (Prime Ministers of Dominica)
1. Traits demonstrated
2. Styles demonstrated
D. Patrick Augustus Mervyn Manning and Kamla Persad-Bissessar (Prime Ministers of Trinidad and Tobago)
1. Traits demonstrated
2. Styles demonstrated
VII. Conclusions
A. Summary
1. Major contribution of significant studies on gender and leadership styles in Caribbean politics
2. The body of knowledge under review
B. Evaluation
1. The body of knowledge reviewed
2. Pointing out methodological flaws or gaps in the research
C. Inconsistencies
1. Theory and findings and areas or issues pertinent to future study
D. Conclude
1. Providing some insight into the relationship between the central topic of the literature review and future studies
Special instruction to the writer: Please note that the above outline is the Literature Review for the proposal defense or what is known as chapter two for the dissertation chapters, which will lead to the dissertation defense. . Thank you.