Computer Science questions

Computer Science questions

Assignment 10

For the final assignment, reflect on your time in CS 160. The assignment is worth 100 points.

  • Pick any combination of the following questions to address to total 100 points.
  • Any questions answered beyond 100 points will earn extra credit.
  • Extra credit caps at 30 points.
  • Answers must be sufficiently detailed and show serious thought and consideration in

order to earn credit (see example of grading at the end of the document).

  • If you are going to reference material outside this course, make sure to cite it.
  • You may address the questions in any written format you like (table, single essay, short

answer, etc.) just make sure that it is obvious which prompt you are addressing at any

given point so the TA does not have to guess when grading you.

  • Thoughtful and constructive submissions will be taken into consideration for future



  1. (5 points) Which assignment did you find the most enjoyable? Justify.
  2. (10 points) What is the purpose of CS 160: Computer Science Orientation?
  3. (10 points) What was the most difficult aspect of the course? Justify.
  4. (10 points) What was the easiest aspect of the course? Justify.
  5. (10 points) Of all the topics covered, which was the strongest? Why was it strong?
  6. (10 points) Which assignment was the most educational? Justify.
  7. (10 points) What is your goal for Computer Science moving forward?
  8. (15 points) Write a reflection on the textbook, Once Upon an Algorithm. What was the

most and least useful aspect? What did you get out of the book? Would you recommend

this book to someone else?

  1. (20 points) If you had perfect control over future events, what would your time at OSU

look like? How would you accomplish your goal?

  1. (20 points) Of all the topics covered, which was the weakest? How would you change

how it was taught? Be detailed.

  1. (30 points) If you could teach the course, how would you approach teaching the course?

Make sure to address labs, assignments and lecture. Be detailed.

  1. (40 points) Choose a subject that we have covered. Write an assignment for that subject.

It must be a coding assignment. Make sure to include all relative information needed

including how it will be graded.


Example: Question

(10 points) Did this class add value to your education? Justify.

Example Responses

Example Dissenting: 2 points: No. It sucked.

Example Assenting: 2 points: Yes. It was great.

Reason for score: Though this response answered the question (minimally) the justification is not

sufficient to explain why it did/did not add value. What, in particular, sucked/was great about the

course? Why do you say “yes/no”?


Example Dissenting: 7 points: This course did not add value to my education because it sucked.

It didn’t provide any form of challenge for me because I have already programmed before. The

orientation portions didn’t add anything either because I have family members who are software

engineers so I already know what industry is like.

Example Assenting: 7 points: This course added value to my education because it was great.

Though I have programmed before, I learned new things that I can apply to future projects. The

orientation portions also opened my eyes to new areas that I didn’t know I was even interested


Reason for score: This answer addresses the question in an obvious way so the TA knows which

question is being answered. The answer also provides reasons on why the course sucked/was

great. However, the answer does not provide any solution or ways to improve the course to make

it better in the future.


Example Dissenting:10 points: This course did not add value to my education because it sucked.

It didn’t provide any form of challenge for me because I have already programmed before. The

orientation portions didn’t add anything either because I have family members who are software

engineers so I already know what industry is like. To provide more challenge for more advanced

students, the course could provide challenge assignments that could be done for extra credit. For

the orientation portion, the course could ask students to explore areas that don’t currently have a

huge computer science presence and see how computer science could improve that area.

Example Assenting: 10 points: This course added value to my education because it was great.

Though I have programmed before, I learned new things that I can apply to future projects. The

orientation portions also opened my eyes to new areas that I didn’t know I was even interested

  1. I would have enjoyed having a little more challenge to the assignments, maybe have extra

credit assignments. I also think it would be beneficial to have more guest speakers to experience

more perspectives on the field.

Reason for score: This answer addresses the question in an obvious way so the TA knows which

question is being answered. The answer also provides reasons for why the course sucked/was

great as well as suggestions so that the course could become better in the future.

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